RBuster's Forum Posts

  • Set text to left(text,len(text)-len(appendedtext)?

    Thanks Now I understand your suggestion through the korbaach's example.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • sequence_test.capx

    WOW! Genial!!! Thank you Always helpful!

  • Set text to left(text,len(text)-len(appendedtext)?

    Could you give me more details?

  • Touch > is in touch
    _____Touch > is touching sprite > set text to "It's a fish "str(sprite.IID)
    _____Else > set text to "It's a fish!"[/code:3iiyjm57]
    If that's not helpful, maybe you could go into a bit more depth on the goal? When you say the player slides back to a previous sprite, does the text revert to neutral (per my example) or change again depending on which sprite is pushed? In which case I recommend a callback from an instance variable.

    Thanks for the suggestion. I think I need something more embracing like a callback as you mentioned: as the player go back to each previous sprite, the IID must be removed from the text object, in the original order. I tried to use variables and add to/subtract to actions (Add sprite.IID) but it didn't work. Could you tell me more about the solution you suggest? Thanks.

    you know its a bit weird that we can append text but cant go reverse I've alway wonder why. I guess its based on Time always moves forward.

    Same here!

  • no help?

  • I simulated this condition in a capx and I hope someone can help me to solve it. Thanks in advance.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/e6eru93spgm5h ... .capx?dl=0

  • Using variables I presume. I don't imagine how to set the new and the old text and mainly how to control when the finger returns to the previous sprite. Could explain to me how can I do it?

  • I'm using "append" to add sprite's IID to a text objet when the sprite was touched and I need to remove the appended text when the players return his finger to previous sprite.

    Touch > is in touch
    _____Touch > is touching sprite > text  append str(sprite.IID)
    _____System > Trigger once
    Thanks in advance for any help.
  • Thanks for pointing me to this solution. I almost never use the ribbon. I'll pay more attention to it.

  • How can I change the C2 UI colors? I've tried the "Preferences > Colors > Choose Theme / Edit Color" and the Default option it is always selected when the program is restarted.

  • I know only about the cranberry's google analytics plugin that is cordova based but I'd like to use this solution for web based games.

    Construct 2 is great for web games and when you use some of the official plugins. But Scirra says: "Build Once. Publish Everywhere. True multiplatform support. Build your game in Construct 2 and publish it to all these platforms." and it's not true. Is not possible to build games for all these platforms only using C2 for it or without a damn wrapper and the majority of the C2 users want publish their games mainly for mobiles. I really like the structure of the Construct 2 and I'm a huge Scirra's fan, but honestly, I think C3 will be a aesthetic update of C2 with some improvements.

    tumira: Wow! No more wrappers?? Timeline? Easy in-app and ads implementation? 2d and 3d? Thank you! Spark is very promising!

    : PR without substance? Really? I think that we didn't see the same website.

  • After fixed the plugins errors (I've to remove all the plugins references in the XDK file created by C2 and add one by one using the plugin management (8 plugin in total)) I could finally create the android/crosswalk version of my game. For my huge disappointment, after wait for a month, I get the same fps as before the update (10 fps). My iOS version also built in XDK (previous version) runs smoothly and I'm afraid to upgrade it. I'm very frustrated!

  • Ashley

    I tried the new Intel XDK version in the last night and I've some issues:


    1_ I still need to touch the screen to start the sound

    2_ I'm getting a weird noise when the chartboost ads plugin starts that only stops when I close the app.


    I got different errors when I imported the folder and when I opened the XDK file.

    • Importing www folder, the problem happened after app was built. When I executed the app, the loading screen was showed with an empty bar and it didn't change anymore.

    Edited: I cannot add plugins through plugin manager (nothing happens)

    • Opening the XDK file, the program didn't find the chartboost plugin and I've to cancel the process.

    Error message:

    Plugin "https://github.com/cranberrygame/cordova-plugin-ad-chartboost" is not present in the project. See `cordova plugin list`.

    When I tried again, I got a social share plugin error and now I'm stuck here.

    Error message:

    Command failed: /Applications/Intel XDK.app/Contents/MacOS/git/bin/git --exec-path=/Applications/Intel XDK.app/Contents/MacOS/git/libexec/git-core -c init.templatedir=/Applications/Intel XDK.app/Contents/MacOS/git/share/git-core/templates clone https://github.com/EddyVerbruggen/Socia ... Gap-Plugin /var/folders/40/td660n9d3cldcx3wbc8y2ydw0000gn/T/git/1458821769829 Cloning into '/var/folders/40/td660n9d3cldcx3wbc8y2ydw0000gn/T/git/1458821769829'... error: Could not expand include path '~/.gitcinclude' fatal: bad config file line 49 in /usr/local/git/etc/gitconfig

    Edited: If I deselect the "Use new Intel XDK project format" option I can import the plugins but when I try to emulate the game I got this error message:

    404: Intel XDK can't find your app

    Do you have index.html in your source directory?

    PS. My index page is there

    Both plugins were installed in the iOS version.

  • RBuster , No plugins whatsoever. Clean slate from that perspective. I exported with cordova and then loaded up the app in the Phone Gap online builder service. That service spit out an .ipa and I just double clicked, loaded up in itunes and tried it out. I made sure to force use the newest version of cordova cli as instructed by Ashley.

    I chose to use cordova cli because I'd have more control but I also had much more work. Did you tried it?

    I decided not to use phonegap build because, as I use cranberry's plugins, I'll have to change the cordova to phonegap plugins too, and cranberry games don't support them anymore (actually, I really don't know if Sang continues to support his plugins).

    [quote:189dn7hn]Are you using Cocoon.IO and it's draining your battery? My project was melting through the floor before I optimized it. Now it's warm but not explosively so.

    I'm using Intel XDK. My iOS app is running perfectly well (58 fps), but some minutes later the device starts to warm. It doesn't get extremely hot, but its bothers.

    [quote:189dn7hn]This thread I started is also loosely relevant to our topic here

    ok. I'll give a look.