What kind of text object in your case?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
A text object.
Could you point out what is "margins" in text object? A space at the left or right side of a line?
Sorry I do not have plugin/behavior to adjust the "margins".
Justify text: http://www.businessdictionary.com/defin ... -text.html
I did not see that feature in plugins or behaviors in this forums, sorry.
I've decided to use textBox instead text object. In this way I can apply this kind of alignment. Thanks anyway.
Hey Rex, I've been working with this plugin (along with the CSV plugin, to make a dialogue system), and I've ran into an issue with varying font sizes:
Is there any way to make it so the smaller text doesn't look like it's superscript?
Try set property "Baseline" to "Alphabetic".
This solved the issue, but it's ended up creating two others in it's place:
On desktop, the top of the text is now cut off:
And on mobile, the text has jumped further down:
Set the property "Shift down" to increase the line height of first text line. But I don't know why the mobile will have different outcome, "Shift down" is used to fix the issue in your first image.
"Shift down" solves the issue for desktop, but it still causes a discrepancy of placement on mobile...
Here's a capx, if it helps to diagnose the problem: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9cfa ... E8tSDJXeFU
What is your test environment on mobile. I made a test and opened on safari at ipad3, it works fine.
I'm using Mozilla Firefox 47.0 on a Samsung Galaxy S6, and the text in your 'test' capx is halfway down the page.
EDIT: Just double-checked on Samsung Galaxy native browser and it's the same, so it's not an issue with Mozilla...
My friend tested the same page on native browser of galaxy S2, it works fine too. I am not sure why it still wrong in your testing. Sorry I could not help you.
Fix bug while typing by rex_text_typing behavior.