RBuster's Forum Posts

  • I will create an example for you understand what I am doing in a few minutes.

  • R0J0hound

    Thanks for the reply. My data will be located in 25 lists aprox. (with 1 to 10 items per list) and I don't know why I need to populate an array with this data. Actually, I thought that I did not need to insert this information into the arrays.

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  • Could someone help me with this issue, please? My project is almost ready and I just need to verify the lists at the end. If the lists are not the best solution, I'm open to suggestions. Just to exemplify: I'm using more than 20 lists with numbers that represent a type of the fruit and its amount (e.g. 1- 4) and I need to check at the end how many lists are equals (same number of items and the same combinations independently of the order) or not. (e.g.: list1(1-4, 2-3) = list2 (2-3, 1-4) but not equal to list3 (1-4,2-3,4-9)). Thanks in advance for any help.

  • I need to compare several lists (more than 20) and each one of these lists could have from 1 to 10 items and these items are not in the order. At the final I just need to know how many of these lists are equal or not. (e.g. 20 lists: 10 equals/10 unique). I have looked some examples but they compare all the items regardless of the lists

    Thanks in advance.

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  • Sorry but I'm still stuck here. Besides the previous problem, I also need some help to populate the array with the list items.

    Thanks in advance.

  • I have done some tries but I really don't know how can I do to get all the lists and check the result of the total of equal and different lists.

  • Sure. I just added that information at the end just to be more specific (I was afraid to create a misunderstood between the items and lists). My doubt is about the comparison result: can I have an unique result as I have described above?

  • dropbox.com/s/7b0cj47x15h2gpb/PokulusRift.capx

    But, if you going to compare/evaluate that much with lists, it might be better to keep the base data in 1 array and use the lists only to display/select. In othere words, as the UI element they are meant to be.

    Ok. You are right.

    Thanks for the example (more one). In regarding to the comparison, I can use this same solution to compare all the lists together, right? I need an unique result (e.g. 10 results equals and 25 different). I believe so, but I would like to confirm that.

    Edited: Just to be more specific: I am still talking about lists. In this case, imagine that I have 35 lists (10 equals/25 different).

  • Well, how exacter the question how less general the answer eh.

    & yw.

    I know. Sorry about that.

    Do you know if is possible to compare all the list content to know how many lists are equal or not, instead the items?

    For example: list1(orange, apple, pineapple) equal to list2(orange, pineapple,apple) but not equal to list3(orange, apple, pear)

  • Thank you, 99Instances2Go!

  • searchList.capx

    Thanks but what I need is to get all the items of the list instances to compare them to know how many are equals and how many are not.

    Edited: Sorry, korbaach for not having understood before that the solution for what I need is in the example that you did. Thank you.

  • ID's ? You mean instances of the same list ?

    Yes, sorry.

  • 99Instances2Go

    Just one more question: how can I do if I am using a same list with different IDs?

    Thanks in advance.