RBuster's Forum Posts

  • 99Instances2Go

    Thanks. I will try to implement it.

  • Hi. I just need to know how to select all the items of several lists (4 in total). I intend to compare them all.

    Thanks in advance

  • Ok, but what NW.js version did you install from here: https://www.scirra.com/nwjs ?

    Sorry about the delay. I'm using the last one.

  • The project needs to follow the instructions of a json file with this structure:

    Is it possible? is it difficult?

    Please, I need some answer to figure out if I'm capable to do this project or not.

    Thanks in advance.

  • > I'm getting this message when I try to export the project using nw.js.


    > I have checked the folders and only the windows versions seems to be ok. Maybe the problem happens when the program try to export to osx64 because it is the last folder that I found and inside it has only the .app (no more files).


    > C2 r237 (with no minify script option selected)

    > Windows 8.1


    > Thanks in advance.


    What version of NWjs are you using?

    Also what export options did you use?

    Did you select minify?

    Did you select png recompression?

    Please always try to give as much information as possible, or it makes helping difficult and more of a guessing game.

    I just tested r237 and the latest NWjs using no minify, no png recompression with the export option of window frame ticked, and there were no issues exporting.

    When trying to find an reason for an error, it's best to make things as simple as possible and just add options until it breaks. If you export successfully using the same options as I used, then try adding png recomp or minify and seeing if that causes an error to appear.

    I have said in the 1st post that I'm not using the minify option selected and I've installed the last C2 version. After read your post, I have tried to use with png compression (standard) and also with no compression, with window frame ticked and not. Everything remains the same.

  • I'm getting this message when I try to export the project using nw.js.

    I have checked the folders and only the windows versions seems to be ok. Maybe the problem happens when the program try to export to osx64 because it is the last folder that I found and inside it has only the .app (no more files).

    C2 r237 (with no minify script option selected)

    Windows 8.1

    Thanks in advance.

  • I store information in array because I do not want to display full path to video..

    let's say you have on server something like this..

    you can use list.php to get all sub-folders and files in video folder

    function listFolderFiles($dir){
        $ffs = scandir($dir);
        foreach($ffs as $ff){
            if($ff != '.' && $ff != '..'){
               echo $ff. PHP_EOL;
             if(is_dir($dir.'/'.$ff)) listFolderFiles($dir.'/'.$ff);}}}
    so..your ajax data will look like this:
    now you can loop through data and populate array and list object..
    if you upload a new videos or delete..even sub-folders in [b]videos/video[/b] folder..
    you do not have to make any changes in php script or C2 code...

    Hello korbaach

    I'm still stuck in this demo project. I had to give up the CSV because they don't want to include the data in this file manually. I need to read the files in the folder and create a list with these files and show or play a preview when the user select the item in the list. Can I use this kind of solution that you created for this? I know the php only works in the online projects. But I can use other solution than php?

    Thanks in advanced

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  • Ok. (1) I will try to make it. (2) Sorry. I did not pay attention. Thank you.

  • Thanks for your time, 99Instances2Go

    It's almost that I need.

    Is it possible to check all the combinations without select them and when I touch in the "check" button, the system find the equal combinations also in different order (e.g. 1-2 must be equal to 1-2 or 2-1)?

    Thanks in advance.

  • The main problem for me is to compare the combinations and measure the results. Can someone help me with this issue, please?

  • Could you please use my example (capx) to implement your solution?

  • I need some help to produce this project.

    I will create a game where the user have to choose 2 buttons per time from the 5 different buttons. The player can repeat this action from 1 to 10. For example: in the first time the player can choose the button 1 and button 3, then they can choose the buttons 2 and 4 and stop, confirming it through a "confirm" button. This was a sequence.

    Before that, a new sequence can be created. Just to exemplify: the player chooses the buttons 3 and 1, 2 and 5, 1 and 2, 2 and 4, and stops again (note that the user chose two combinations in the first sequence (1-3 and 2-4) and four in the second sequence (3-1, 2-5, 1-2 and 2-4).

    The user will be tested 6 times (6 sequences) and I need to know each sequence later and compare them to know if there are equals or not. To get an equal sequence, the player has to choose the same buttons and they need to do the same number of repetitions regardless on the order the buttons were chosen. (example: bt1/bt2, bt3/bt4, stop = bt1/bt2, bt3/bt4, stop or bt2/bt1, bt4/bt3, stop).

    I hope this isn't too confusing but anyway I've attached a capx with the idea of the game.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/467dcn4m23pq1 ... .capx?dl=0

    Thanks in advance for any help.

  • Same here:

  • > Is it right?


    No.. if you export with NW.js..you can set path to custom folder

    Ok. Thank you for all your help korbaach

  • I have tested but I only can play the list item if the video was imported to to the project files before. Is it right?