RBuster's Forum Posts

  • How can i download a game configurations instructions from a database with the C3? In this file I will have instance's position, speed, text, etc.

    Thanks in advance for any help.

  • I am trying to do the subscription in the C3 website and the discount option (50% for the C2 users) is not showing.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Can I use this solution to edit something in the Android Studio or just to preview it and build the app? I need to know If I have access to the code. Thanks.

  • I have produced this game a year ago. It tooks almost 6 months to be ready. I really enjoyed to produce it and I would believe this game would be a success. I thought that everybody would enjoy Space Route. When I released the game in AppStore, in the same week the game was featured (indicated by the Apple team). But not, the game was a total failure because almost nobody installed it and the few that did it, did not give it a good review. A year later, I still believe the Space Route is a good game and I would like to understand what went wrong. Why the Space Route was not a success that I hoped for. I wonder if is possible to change or do something to invert the current situation of this game. Could you give it a try and help me with this questions later?

    Thanks in advance.

    Some screens:


    Game (Android):

    https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... spaceroute

  • The JavaScript command "print()" will print the page. I guess you can also print an invisible page too using an iframe:

    https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/doc ... e/Printing

    So from what I can tell you can snapshot the canvas and create a new page with JavaScript that has the snapshot red image and print it. To center the image on the page you'd use css as I understand it.

    At least that's the right direction to start tinkering.

    Thanks for the suggestions R0J0hound

    I tried to follow the Magistross suggestion in this post: how-do-i-send-content-to-the-user-s-printer-from-the-layout_t110978?start=20

    "var iframe = document.getElementById(""iframe"");
    if(!iframe) iframe = document.createElement(""iframe"");
    iframe.setAttribute(""src"", ""about:blank"");
    var image = new Image(); image.src = """ & CanvasSnapshot & """; $(""#iframe"")[0].contentWindow.document.open(); $(""#iframe"")[0].contentWindow.document.appendChild(image); $(""#iframe"")[0].contentWindow.document.close();
    But nothing happened. Maybe because this is an old post.
    I cannot understand why the image appears with a large left margin when I try to print it and why it does not fit on the page if I am using an image with 800x600 resolution.
  • I know this is not a common situation (print something in the game) but I really need some advices here. I believe that someone knows if is possible to format the layout to get a good print or not.

    Thanks in advance.

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  • As I know, I cannot control the printer and its configuration options, but I need to print the screen and the result needs to be centralised and fit for any orientation. Is it possible? I am using the "execute javascript" action and I am getting a snapshot for that.

    Thanks in advance.

  • RBuster

    I don't apart from duplicating events. The plugin is probably causing a hang due to the family and I'd guess it would happen in other browsers.

    I don't have the canvas plugin installed currently and haven't made any time to work on plugins. However I seem to recall a similar problem with another plugin. The solution as I recall is to find the "typeProto.onCreate" function in the runtime and adding an if to stop the function if it's a family.

    typeProto.onCreate = function()
    		if (this.is_family)
    Maybe that will fix it.

    Thanks, R0J0hound but it not worked. I decided to create an event for each canvas object and now the game is working in the Safari too.

    I am wondering know how can I get the JSON of the canvas. I know that is possible but I really don't know how to get it. Could you give some help with this?

    Thanks in advance.

  • RBuster

    So it doesn't load if the canvas is in a family, and on on safari? I guess I never tested that. I'm not sure I'll get around to finding a fix.

    Yes, R0J0hound

    Do you know other alternative than family I can use with canvas? I am using more than 60 canvas objects and I need to control all of them sometimes.

  • Hi R0J0hound

    Happy new year!

    I am using this amazing plugin that is helping me a lot but I am having some issue when I create a family with canvas: the game does not stop to load the files when I try to access it through the Safari. Do you know something about that? Is it possible to fix it or give some alternative solution to use in place of the canvas family?

    Thanks in advance.

  • I forgot to say that I also have tried in the 241 version.

    I removed the elements form the project, one by one, and I think that I found the issue: a canvas family. When I removed it, the game loads normally. But I don't know if it is an error once the game loads in the Chrome with any problem.

  • some help?

  • The game is not loading totally in the Safari browser.

    It starts and goes almost to the end but stops and stay inert indefinitely.

    I have published the game with the C2 v240 and the C2 v239.

    I am getting only an error in the panel ("Viewport argument key "minimal-ui" not recognized and ignored.") that I believe that is not the real cause.

    I also get the following messages in the browser's log:

    [Log] [Construct 2] Suspending (c2runtime.js, line 4)

    [Log] [Construct 2] Resuming (c2runtime.js, line 4)

    [Log] [Construct 2] Suspending (c2runtime.js, line 4)

    [Log] [Construct 2] Resuming (c2runtime.js, line 4)

    [Log] [Construct 2] Suspending (c2runtime.js, line 4)

    [Log] [Construct 2] Resuming (c2runtime.js, line 4)

    I have tried to disable the preload sounds but it not worked.

    Just to inform: the canvas plugin is the only different thing I am using.

    Thanks in advance for any help.

  • You could either a)check all the pixels with a loop, or b)set a variable when one of the actions to draw to the canvas is used. The latter is faster.

    Thank you. You really helped me a lot.

  • I haven't tried it in a bit but you may also need to wait a tick after setting the canvas size for scroll to to work.

    Thanks. It worked.

    Taking the opportunity, I wonder it is possible to check if the user drew something in the canvas (plugin)? I would like to allow them to proceed to the next screen after this.