RBuster's Forum Posts

  • You just check the value at the start of the initial layout that points to the specific layout

    > on start of layout

    -> QueryParam("foo") =1, go to layout 1



    Thanks, newt

    I will give it a try.

  • You're talking about a layout in an exported game? It is in an obscure form so that it both takes up less space and isn't readable by anything but the runtime. It would open a can of worms if we reverse engineered the export to make that possible. There are probably better solutions than doing that

    Anyways, if you created both games you could make your own level loader. Basically take a level and output all the object locations and any other stuff relevant to your game to a text file. Then make a parser that reads that said text file and recreates all the objects again.

    Hi R0J0hound. Thanks for answering.

    Yes. I need to access an exported game layout. I am not using Construct to create the HTML file. I need to call the simple HTML through the C3 game and enable the reverse process (call a new layout in the C3 project using a link in this simple HTML).

  • Try Construct 3

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  • scirra.com/manual/110/browser


    Return a query string parameter by name. For example, if the URL ends with index.html?foo=bar&baz=wan, QueryParam("foo") returns bar and QueryParam("baz") returns wan.

    Thanks for replying, but in this case how can I use it in the HTML file to access the construct layout? Could you please show me an example?

  • Hi everybody

    I need to know if it is possible (and how can I do this) to access a specific construct layout from an external HTML link (a simple HTML page).

    Thanks in advance.

  • No idea how to solve this? I would appreciate any suggestion about how to create a communication between these two programs.

  • I am creating a project that will use C3 and Captivate to capture some screens. I am wondering if is possible to create a communication between these 2 programs, changing a variable's value, for example, to inform the C3 when the HTML5 presentation/class generated in Captivated ended.

    Thanks in advanced.

  • Did you try plugin converter?



    Thanks. I will give it a try.

  • I really need some help here, please.

  • I have a plugin that I use sometimes in the C2 program to create a communication with the MongoDB that was developed by a guy in this forum that promised to give me total support but unfortunately, this guy disappear more than a year ago and I want to use this plugin in the C3 program. I need to know if someone could convert this plugin to me and under what condition.

    Thanks in advance for any help.

  • Ashley

    Just finalizing this post.

    Yesterday, after certified that I was not able to recover the project file and after explained what happened to my client, I started the project again with his blessing. However, when I tried to open the new local browser file today, I got the same message but the project was opened and apparently, nothing was wrong with it. Anyway, I preferred to load the cloud file.

    Other problems:

    • The program always crashes when I try to use "Undo" before to interact with several objects
    • The program sometimes crashes when I delete an animation
    • I only can save 10 exported projects (maybe it's not a problem but because of that I need to remove them constantly)
    • I cannot use the "minify" option to export the project because is not possible to open it on the mobile browsers (I tested on android/ios)

    I would like to suggest an easy way to send you the problems when the program crashes or any other problem happens. Something like the Apple usually do: a message field appears automatically for you describe the problem and an option to send or not a captured image.

  • Thanks.

    I tried to use the same zip tool and renaming it to c3p and the C3 did not recognize the file. I am zipping the files using the winrar now. Do you have a Mac to test the zip tool I used?

    Edited: I renamed the file to c3p and I got the same error when I tried to open it in the C3 program.

  • The file doesn't look recoverable I'm afraid. But if you saved to DropBox, can't you recover previous versions of the file in the version history?

    It is the only version of this project I have.

    I sent you a message right now. I got the files unzipped using the default mac zip tool. Could you please tell me what I need to do to open these files in the C3 program?

  • Just right click it and select "Download" in the open dialog.

    Thanks. I sent you the file through the WeTransfer. Please, let me know if is possible to recover it or not. I really hope you will have good news to me.

    Edited: I know you are a really (really) busy person and because of that I want to thank you in advance for any effort of you to recover this file.

  • If you send me the project () I can try to recover it. I may not be able to though. Don't you keep backups of important digital work? If not, you may have learned this particular lesson the hard way...

    I always save the projects also in the dropbox. It's the 1st time I leave the project in the local browser because it takes a lot of time to be saved in the cloud. I would intend to check the project and publish this before download a final version. It was my mistake but it never happened in the C2.

    Ashley I think he saved "local browser". So in order for you to check it, he might need to know how to find the file when saved to local?

    Exactly. Do I have access to this file?

  • That sounds serious! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad"> That's why I never use save to local browser. Did you try to open the project in a previous version of Construct?

    Here you can find older versions of construct.


    Do you have any other backup of the file?

    No. This is the only copy of the project I have. I saved this file yesterday so I believe that I cannot open it using the previous versions. I am really concerned about this because I know that I will lose this client if I do not deliver this project today. Do you know if I have access to the local browser file?