Thanks! Nandynho
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Thank you Nandynho for the plugin updates... I would ask you if there are any documentation about the different actions. thank you!
Sorry msa3sa3 I never created documentation about this. Since I have never earned anything from a third party I never invested much more than I needed. But it's not complicated, if you need a function and do not know, you can ask me.
Trying to use your cool plugin for some text but it has the same "leaving boundaries" issue the BUTTOn element in C2.
I described it here
any chance to make it... "un-resizeable"?
Is not it just turning off the parallax of the layer you need? If you need, send me a capx
christ59 I don't remember how to turn the menu on again (contextmenu) - but you can disable this function manually in runtime.js *(this will activate the right button function)
#line #code (remove this line) 138 $(this.frame).bind('contextmenu', function(e){ return false; }); [/code:1q26jhe2] Thanks
I am wondering if you have a C3 version of this plugin. Thanks.
I've never used C3. If someone wants to use the code as a base, you can use.
RBuster I've never used C3. If someone wants to use the code as a base, you can use. Cheers.
I was looking to get your 'Plus' by PlayLive behavior/plugin for a .capx I'm trying to view. Is it available?
YoHoho I have these two that contain the name 'Plus'.
not work on android
matrixreal are you sure you're using my plugin? What happens when you run on an android, you can put a print of the events?
I guarantee that the plugin works on android. I'm using.
HTML or iFrame does not work?
can you update download link, its broken....
Which link?
The OP plugin download link works fine.
I get this error, but after I click ok, the iFrame works. Is there any solution for this one?