RBuster's Forum Posts

  • I am trying to create a card game and I would like to implement an interactive shuffle that happens when the player shakes the device or moving their mouses quickly if they are playing it on the pc. I am wondering if these two options are possible and if someone can give me some simple tips about how to implement them. Thanks.

  • > I am sure they are C3 plugins. The Rex Tag text I got from his official GitHub.


    yes its c3 plugin. but not support c3runtime. only working c2runtime.

    select c2runtime

    Ok. I got it. Thanks, nacra and Eren

  • Have you checked that they support the C3 runtime? To see that the plugins are C2 only, create a little test project, and set it to use the old C2 runtime. Try adding those plugins. If you can, you’ve demonstrated that the plugins are working, but are C2-only.

    I am sure they are C3 plugins. The Rex Tag text I got from his official GitHub and, as I said, I can see these plugins in the Addon Manager window. They are there with all the respective information. I just cannot include them on my projects because they are not in the "Create new object type" window.

  • I cannot see the 3rd party plugins in my C3 editor. I've installed the Rex Tag Text and the Lite Tween plugins, and they are not appearing in the Opera and the Chrome browser. I already cleaned the cache and I restarted the C3 but nothing different happens. Both plugins are appearing in the Addon Manager but I am not finding them in the "Create new object type" window. Any help?

  • Thanks for replying newt

    It's very obvious and I didn't even think about it (shame). I think it's not possible to load images into frames, right? Maybe the better solution is to create different sprites for this.


  • I am trying to load a image from the "File" folder using this code:

    + System: awardAmount = 100 ----+ System: Pick quest100 where quest100.number = checkQuestionID -----> quest100: Load image from storeFolderName&"100_pb.png" (Resize to image size, cross-origin anonymous) -----> quest100: Set opacity to 90

    But instead of loading in just one instance, it loads all of them. I already have checked and each one has a specific ID and when I touch the button, the "checkQuestionID" variable get the same value of the instance variable I've interacted.

  • So what are these files for and how do you access and use them in the game?

    These images are in the "Files" folder and I am loading them using "Load image from URL". I am also reading a text file using the NWjs.ReadFile command.

    EDITED: Ok. I got it. I just included the folder name in front of the file name on the path and after I generated the files I created this folder and moved the file into it. Thanks for your help.

  • Hi dop2000 thanks for helping me. I want to try your suggestion, but I don't know where I need to make this change. I am not using Ajax object but I believe it should be part of NW.js. Am I right? Do I need to edit some file or I've to do this directly on C3 event sheet?

  • I am creating several subfolders under the "File" folder (project folder) and when I generated the executable using the NW.js, the subfolders weren't created and the files are appearing with the other files in the root. What I'm doing wrong?

  • Could someone, please, help me with this subject?

  • I intend to create an executable file using NW js and I want to load some phrases randomly from a text file but I didn't find any tutorial about this. Could someone please help me to understand the procedures to produce this project as I've described?

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  • Nevermind, here is my example:


    Thanks for the example. I used this same c3p and include some graphics that I am using to better explain what I intend to do. I already change the code to match what I have used in my project.


    I would like to stop the pointer in the middle of the place (or when it is pointing to the respective light). I am also trying to turn on each light according with the spin velocity.

  • Hi Maverick1912

    I am rotating the pointer instead of the board and I would like to stop this pointer in the middle of the place on board when the rotation is finished. I am using 3 different boards with 4, 6 and 8 places. Could you please help me to get it working?

  • The manual is your friend : construct.net/en/make-games/manuals/construct-3/behavior-reference/pin

    Coincidently, I've checked the manual after my post and I confirmed this information. Sorry about that.

  • > Do you know if it's possible to rotate de image/text keeping them in the same position, as the roulette wheel is spinning?

    Use the pin behavior possibly.

    I intend to use it to allow the images to rotate with the wheel, but can I use it to keep the same position and the original angle? I don't want the images to get upside down.