RBuster's Forum Posts

  • I figure out how to solve this problem: I configured the angle of the 8 directions behavior to "No" and I included another 8 directions and configured the angle of this behavior to "Smooth" and disabled it. when the car overlapping the sprite on the crossing, I disable the 1st one and enable the other and vice versa when the car is not over the crossing. Thanks anyway for try to help me.

  • Making the car to only turn on intersections is easy - just put an invisible square sprite there and ignore left/right keys if the car is not overlapping it.

    But if you want the car to make a naturally looking 90-degree turn and enter its lane properly - this part may be tricky.

    I already intended to use a sprite to check the keys in the crossing. Actually, the problem is that I cannot have the two options: turn (to right/left or left/right) and go (up/down or left/right) in the middle of the streets to dodge the other cars.

    If I could disable/enable angle in this behavior using event commands, I will solve my problem, but I can't.

  • I don't really understand how your game is supposed to work. You need to post your project, or maybe a youtube video of a similar game.

    Thanks for replying!

    Sorry. I don't started the game yet. I am just doing some tests to check if it's possible.

    This is what happens when I press the UP and DOWN keys in the middle of the street or if I disabled de angle in the behavior.

    I need the car go up and down the street and only turn to left or right with it is over the crossing. Like this:

  • dop2000: Could you please help me with this problem?

  • If I press the down/up arrow in the middle of the street, the cars turn to left/right instead of going up or down the street (that I have to use to dodge the other cars). I want the car only turn to the left/right when it is trespassing a crossing. Is it possible?


  • I need to create a mobile application that needs to load images from a folder locally in the Android system instead of a server. I need this feature because the client wants to upload the images directly, without depending on me. Is it possible? If so, could someone tell me how could I implement it? Thanks.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • > Hi


    > I want to create a multiplayer physics game. It's a very easy game. I know C2 but I don't have time to do this right now, so I need someone to help me. I just need the code. I cannot pay much for this, so the developer could create the game using the C2 sprites. If everything goes well, I'll have more games. Are you interested?

    Hey, tell me more.

    You can send me a private message.


    Hi Stefano

    Could you please inform your e-mail?


  • I want to create some simple multiplayer games. They are very easy games. I know C3 but I don't have time to do this right now, so I need someone to help me. I just need the code. I cannot pay much for this, so the developer could create the game using the C3 sprites. Please, leave your portfolio and email and I'll contact you.


  • Hi

    I want to create a multiplayer physics game. It's a very easy game. I know C2 but I don't have time to do this right now, so I need someone to help me. I just need the code. I cannot pay much for this, so the developer could create the game using the C2 sprites. If everything goes well, I'll have more games. Are you interested?

  • You make sure to use the fixed stepping mode for Physics and sending the same movements should replicate the right results on each device

    what is this "fixed stepping mode"?

  • I would like to create a multiplayer physics turn-based game (like tank game that involves strength control + wind control) to my school and I am a little lost about it. I already create a simple multiplayer game, like quiz, but I believe this game is much more complex. I am wondering if someone can help me, giving some instructions or suggestions, or pointing me a specific tutorial (or a similar one).


  • Is it possible to create a game like Forge of Empires using Construct 3?

    - If so, where are the greatest difficulties?

    - If not, for which reason it is not possible to use C3 for this.


  • Thanks, kidswithcrowns

    Could someone please help me by answering my other question?

  • To your first question, you can use Scirra's signalling server. If you want to have a dedicated host for the game, you simply need to keep a session running

    It's a bit confusing for me. Do I need a dedicated server to have a multiplayer game running? I am assuming this is not the regular host where I host my website, for example. If so, I can host the game and still use the Scirra's signaling server for free?

  • A friend of mine is hiring me to develop a simple multiplayer game and I am wondering if I am able to accept it.

    I've two concerns:

    - Server: can I use the Scirra's multiplayer server for this? If not, what server can I use? A free one if it's possible.

    - Extra features: the game would have disputes between players and he would like to offer a system of selling credits for the players to use in these disputes (an example: two players enter the game and the credit is deducted from each one and the player winning the dispute takes all the credits.) I believe that this is a system apart and I do not understand how it does. If anyone does, could I integrate this system into the game later? if so, in what way could it be?
