RBuster's Forum Posts

  • You'ld have to unzip the capx, and edit the xml.

    I can't exactly how to do everything as I'm not that familiar with the setup.

    Suffice to say there will be some experimentation, so make backups for every change.

    Ok. I'll give it a try. Thanks.

  • You'll have to remove the events, and finally the plug manually.

    I would replace the events with a comment, or a semi blank event so that you know how it was to work.

    Thanks for the reply. As I cannot open the capx file through the C3 editor or the C2 program, how can I do remove these plugins?

  • I have an old capx that I would like to open in C3 to update this file but I can't because I don't have the plugins. There are several Cranberry's plugins and the developer didn't create a C3 version of these plugins. Is it possible to remove from the capx file? If not, anyone know if there is another way to solve this problem?

    Thanks in advance

  • elliot

    As far as I know, Scirra already has a monthly subscription plan for Personal licenses. I am just requesting the possibility of a weekly subscription once I just need to edit some files. I'm a service provider and sometimes I just need to fix some issues or update something. If I get a long-term project, I would subscribe to the year plan surely. But it's okay. I already understand the Scirra's position.

  • You rent a tool to build your house. After done, you return this tool.

    Everytime you need to repair your house, you must rent this tool again? or just come and take this tool for free?

    This comparison is very weird IMO or maybe you didn't understand what I am requesting, but if you want to use it as an example, as I know, this kind of tools can be rented daily.

  • In my personal opinion, subscriptions (daily, monthly, yearly) are crap. But this is sadly a trend for all. It's unbelievable, but i also have to pay for my VideoEditor (KineMaster) on Android 4$ every month. I know, this is NOT the Subject of this thread, but i only want to say. I miss the good old days, were you could pay ONCE for a product and then it was yours.

    I cannot agree more on this but you must have noticed that even with the discontent of a good part of its users, this is not a concern for Scirra. Then we have to try to negotiate with them how to avoid being enslaved by this annual subscription. Instead of using the good old C2 to create my projects, which is mine, I decided to use C3 for this. Now I feel like a hostage of them because I cannot do any editing on these projects unless I renew my subscription, that is, I paid to produce them and now I have to pay again to edit them.

    Ashley: Do you have any news about this subject? I really need to edit my projects. Thanks.

  • > Just to edit the old files. Not to create a new one.

    So then people will copy-paste their project file, delete it down to an empty project, and then still get unlimited features permanently. There's no technical way to distinguish that from just creating a new project, so it's infeasible to add a restriction like that.

    I am not advocating this action. I think there are users who would do this sort of thing. My frustration is only about the fact that I can not edit/fix my files.

    Would a monthly subscription help make it more affordable for light occasional maintenance?

    From what I know this is already an option. Am I wrong? Anyway, a weekly subscription is a better option for me in some cases. For example, I created 10 games and I need to change something in these games each month like change an AD service for a better one, for example, a weekly subscription will help me very well, instead of a monthly subscription. But I think that you should offer several types of subscriptions like the others suggested: diary/weekly/monthly/quarterly/half yearly/yearly. Logically, with (really) small price variations once the main idea here is to offer greater ease to the C3 users and not to enrich Scirra even more.:)

  • Just to edit the old files. Not to create a new one. Do you think it's fair for me to lose the files I developed in C3 or have to pay a new subscription just to edit or fix them?

    Edited: I really don't know what is the better solution to avoid a possible abuse, but I think the Scirra needs to create a solution for this situation. Maybe removing the "Save as" and "New project" options from the menu, maybe removing also the "Export option" and the user needs to send you the file to be generated directly by the Scirra staff, or even maybe Scirra offering a daily/weekly subscription to allow the C3 old user edit/fix their projects.

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  • I have signed the C3 subscription for a year to experiment this new format which did not please me from the beginning. However, the biggest problem is what happens after the signature ends: you can not even edit your projects and that is not right. I paid for this service for a year and I created some projects that I never can edit or fix some buggies if I don't renew the C3 signature. I don't want to sign this service again. I don't like this format of payment and I think C3 it's not so better than C2 for me have to pay more for this program.

    Scirra: it's not fair that I cannot edit the files that I created in this version when I had a subscription once I have paid for this. Why I have to pay a new subscription to edit or fix a project that I already paid to create? I'm really very frustrated with this situation. In my opinion, I should just lose the right to create new projects.

  • I am trying to use user media/speech recognition in a C3 project and I am getting some issues, like for example, the voice is totally different from a C2 project. Is it possible to change the voice? Could someone please explain that? Is it better to use C2 instead of C3 to create a project using this object?

    Thanks in advance

  • I am getting two different views from my game:

    In the C3 preview, it's correct = image 1

    But when I upload the files and check it in any browser, this is what I am getting = image 2


    PS. I cannot upload images here and I don't know why

    I used the memory match game tutorial for this.

    Could someone please explain to me why I am getting two different views of the same game?

  • Thank you Ashley

    I will check the documentation of this plugin.

  • Is it possible to use C3 for this? If so, where I find a tutorial or instructions to accomplish that.

    Thanks in advance.

  • The bottleneck is really that we only have a few developers and we're all extremely busy with everything else that is going on. I'd like to do this, but it's hard to make time for it without telling someone else their bugs/features are going to be delayed. I'll see if I can get a Mac version sorted out when the next Chrome release (67) comes out, which is due in a couple of weeks.

    Great! Thank you!

  • Hi Ashley

    Just checking if you have any news about the Mac version of C3.

    Thanks in advanced.