razorMonkey's Forum Posts

  • Fastest solution would be to add pinned condition, like in picture.

    Although you will need something more complex if you add more weapons.

  • laserbeak43

    Ok, problem is not that you cannot see whole layout while in full screen but that your cards are too big.

    You resize them according to WindowHeight and WindowWidth, which returns value of the screen, and thats conflicts with scalling. Here are more details:


    Would it be ok if instead of WindowHeight and WindowWidth you use LayoutHeight and LayoutWidth?

    If not maybe we can try to find some other solution.

  • I am afraid that without your capx we will not be able to find your problem. Could you attach it?

    (in full editor you should have access to "Upload attachment")

  • You need two variables, lets say varScore will store actual score, varText what is in text.

    (text will be "set text to" varText)


    if varText < varScore

    subevent - every desired seconds - add desired number to varText


    if varText > varScore - set varScore to varText

  • Thanks.

  • One suggestion would be that each tick only one enemy updates path.

    You can create variable "currentEnemy", every tick add 1 to it, when it is > number of enemies set it to 0.

    And then each tick

    System.pick nth instance (select enemy and "currentEnemy" as instance number) - update path.

    That way each tick only one enemy will look for path and your CPU will be used evenly.

    Of course, that mean less enemies = better pathfinding.

  • Be sure your enemy is properly picked before you destroy it.

  • Personally I would put his target position in variables (I like putting things in variables, what can I do )

    Then I would execute his movement like I did in the picture, line 35-39. You can put said variables inside engineer, If you want to separate them from the rest.

    Also some additional conditions will be needed if you want him some advanced features, like "go to the nearest damaged wall" or something like that.

  • Can you create a variable for that, which will keep track how many objects are already there?

    Which will get +1 when you put something there and -1 when you remove it?

    And then when you add next object there you can position it with that variable, like (new object position.X = default position X - (variable * desired distance))

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  • Instead of "set angle toward position" put "set angle of motion" and "angle(Sprite3.X, Sprite3.Y, Sprite2.X, Sprite2.Y)" inside.

    Also your Sprite3 bullet "Set angle" set to no.

    Also you do not need 8 direction for this.

  • You can put variable "loot" and "dropRate" inside enemy, it can be a number (which can be set in each type), and on death use conditions:

    if monster.loot = 1

    if rand(100) > monster.dropRate - create loot 1 on monster.x/monster.y


    if monster.loot = 2

    if rand(100) > monster.dropRate - create loot 2 on monster.x/monster.y

    (if drop rate is in percent)

    This would be simplier more crude approach, but I like KISS, especially on huge apps

  • Have not used LOS before, so I played with it now.

    It seems that cone of view must be positioned in front of the object, which is to the right, so you will have rotate object by 180 to make it look left.

    (for all objects default angle 0 is to the left, so they should be drawn facing left, and then mirrored, which LOS takes into account, it seems)

    Also another limitation seems to be that entire object must be inside cone of view.

    So my advice would be to set Cone of View larger then needed and then set another condition which will compare player angle to eye angle. (you can put 360 if you do not have many such instances which will eat your hardware)

    In example in the picture, cone of view is set to 360, and then another condition (last in line 6) limits it to 30 degrees behind enemy.

    Also one more problem in your example is that you have 2 Enemies, and you text field will be overwritten by enemy who cannot see you, so it is enough that only one enemy cannot see you it will say "Player is Undetected"

  • I just now found it, but using the way I showed in the above post does work. Do you know why I can't set the car to be only entered on touch, not overlapping? I'd like to have my cars not go through eachother but I'm not sure how to fix it. And I'd rather not start a whole new discussion if possible.

    This is what would I do :

    1. your cars need solid behavior

    2. since you cannot overlap them with player any more (because of solid behav), I would turn 43 into that on picture

    (I set minimum distance as Car.Height, you can sat anything else you want, it must be bigger than sides of car)

    Also other suggestions:

    3. your hit box on Car, Player and some other objects is too complicated, you have more than 10 collision points on them. That will eat resources of any computer that tries to run it. You can put it in 4 points, nobody till complain if small part of player, like gun, overlaps with car.

  • Awesome stuff especially for a first project. You would puke if you saw my first game.

    First game in Construct. I did Flash games before that.

    This is actually my first project :
