Ragevortex's Forum Posts

  • girroucho What I did in mine is just as TheDom suggested.

    I set the time scale to 0.0 and the object I still want to move (in my case a particle generator) to have its object time scale set to 1.0.

    You find this in the System events. It is really usefull for when you want to do cool combinations line slow downs speed ups and "freezes" on objects or players. Play around a little with it it's quite fun.

  • Sandly it tends to be a double edged sword. I for example have like 5 games in development. One of which is actually FOR work. The others are personal/fun games. (like the quicky chocolate hearts eating day which I made to mess with a few friends and made it available here in the arcade)

    The "For work" game is in need of some implementations to make it to the social aspect of the market although, as a game, its already working. I wish I could just post it for everyone to play since I had a lot of fun making it.

    Sadly this one depends on "boss decision".

    My games don't ... and I can post all or part of them when I feel they're playable enough that I can get a helpfull feedback that will aid me in polishing them further like many "blog like" development posts I've seen around.

    The fact is however at some point I'll need some way of paying for the time I'm investing in them not because I'm out for the money but because otherwise with my current life priorities the game will take second stage which for the artist/creator in me is unacceptable. I support plugins and projects that aid speed up this process like spriter and such which become real assets in production.(tho personally I like animating frame by frame everything I can)

    To me its a matter of perspective and as always they'll always be ones who make it "for art's sake" and some who will try to exploit a market.

  • xoros How goes it so far? any progress?

  • zorida I know it's a long shot but making a tutorial out of this will help quite a bit of C2 users (including myself)

  • Hmm ... Come to think of it ... I was looking in my intel XDK to learn a bit more of what comes out when I published my (almost finished) game and I came across (while checking the C2 js file that it gave me 800+ "errors" (which I'm certain they were warnings) about a __proto__ property being deprecated... which rose a few flags for me but since the thing is working fine I'm not giving it much thought.

    Is it something I should be worried about at all? It's probably because of when C2 was made and how it was made since scripts are being replaced with faster "better" scripts all the time maybe there's some catching up still pending.

    That aside... I'm still torn between using crosswalk and cocoonjs ... I've solved some issues pertaining my game's performance however I would like to put adds and leader-boards and basically use the social stuff too... as much as crosswalk publishing is giving me awesome performance Ludei's option opens up the door for me to get all the social stuff working(to a point)

    I'm between a cocoon and a crosswalk (OK that's a really lame joke). I'm waiting to see if they get their plugin updated too I haven't seen any news on that so far.

  • Have you tried making it persistent(global)?

    Click on your "health bar" sprite and go to your properties. Right at the top(4th item) it says Global.

    Set it to Yes and tell us if that solves your issue.

    It says on the description : global objects are not destroyed at the end of a layout.


    I hope it helps a bit though.

  • Hmm... this sounds quite interesting an experiment to try out. If you give it a go let us know how it goes.

  • isasaurio google translate

    es la mejor herramienta para esto.

    Puedes colocar en un lado lo que quieres decir en tu idioma y traducirlo al Inglés en el otro lado y copiar para colocar las dos versiones aquí una encima de la otra como Arima muestra en su ejemplo.

    Esto te ayudará en otras cosas, como la traducción de tus juegos también cuando lo necesites.

    Using google translate. (Which is a great tool for this.)

    You can post on one side what you want to say in your language and translate it to english on the other side. You can copy and post both versions here one on top of the other like Arima just showed you.

    It will help you on other things like translating your games too when you need it.

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  • nchima You make an account and send him a message. The accounts are free. Then you can just search for the art style your looking for and you also have game "specific" artist in the community that are always making assets .

    Also I think if you post something in the forums and enough artists see it they may actually start coming out of the shadows and going like **pst.. I'm an artist what do you need** while they open they'r trench coat and show you their wares... ok I went all imaginative again... just ignore the rambles

  • Arima just added a translation for my post I figured it was only logical to add one... then I red your post

    I do understand the policy however sometimes you get posts from people who's native language is another not all of them are used to just translating in google before posting.

  • Arima there's people who speak spanish and english around too. Some of us can actually answer.



    lo que puedes hacer es que le puedes poner una variable al botón de "activo"=1 y la seteas a 0 cuando lo tengas inactivo

    de esa manera puedes crear una lógica que diga algo similar a :

    condición acción

    cuando toque Botón1 | crear objeto bla!....

    activo= 1 | setear activo = 0

    sistema: esto ocurre una sola vez


    cuando toque Botón1 |

    activo= 0 | nada--por que esta desactivado?

    sistema: esto ocurre una sola vez

    espero que te sirva esta opción al menos de guía para lo que quieres lograr y que se entienda el diagramita.

    [for the benefit of everyone else - english version]


    what you can do is, you can add a variable to your button "active"=1 and you can set it to 0 when you want it inactive.

    this way you can create a set of logic events that say something similar to:

    condition -- action

    on touch button 1 | create object blah!

    active=1 | set active = 0

    system: Trigger once|


    on touch button 1 |

    active=0 | do nothing because its inactive?

    system: Trigger once|

    I hope this method helps at least to point you in the right direction of what you want to accomplish and that the diagram is clear enough.

  • First of all. Welcome.

    I'm an artist and designer (and recently game developer)

    I find there's plenty of active artist communities out there. So far my favorite is still Deviant Art

    which has artists from all schools and levels.

    I hope that helps if only a little.

  • You forgot to assign the event sheet to the level 3 layout. happens to me all the time.

  • My "solution" works for the original topic genre...(albeit its not the most ideal of solutions)

    The way I'd do it with that "animated" solution would be to set the origin of the character to the bottom and animate the height I'd want him to jump. because I'm combining the "when animation is playing" and a "is jumping" variable you can use the variable to bypass objects (remembering to set the collision polygon of your character" so that the "space" underneath is registered as non colliding space.

    as LittleStain mentions a way of tracking "touchdown" is always helpfull. Usually in games like double dragon they'd use the character shadow to give the player feedback on where the character actually was when jumping. Using a separate sprite can give you a better range of movement ... tracking the player when a boss bats him off the screen top... for example


    I do agree they need to add a simpler way to do this. I'm certain there's like a million ways to do it including even "shooting" the character upwards with a bullet behavior. or even physics which is a bit too complex IMHO.

    Also I did update the capx with the shadow sprite and the "jump" animation on single standing jump

  • Ok so here's my version I hope it helps you out a bit tho.

    Download CApx

    I hope this helps clear things out a bit or at least point you in the direction you want.

    I used a keyboard control but if you had another type of control in mind it's easily adaptable.

    (keys to move around and shift to "jump" which actually sets a jump variable to 1 and plays a jump animation which you can use as a "bypass" for obstacles or such...)

    Took the liberty of making the little dude "animated" for dramatic effect and testing.