Ragevortex's Forum Posts

  • Hi there ... Actually I'm working on something similar. I already calculated the angles(sort of) and assigned it to "directions" for some reason my object is not moving correctly tho... I'm trying to use the grid movement and I need my object to move one square in whatever direction I swipe. I'm having issues with the moving part ... some issue with how I'm implementing the angle "translation" to direction.

    Probably because I'm multitasking at the moment and can't really concentrate on doing this right heheh. But at least its moving when I diagonally assign left and right now if it did it right when doing it side ways it would rock. I burrowed some of this from the "diablo like movement" sample and adapted the touch part. Any suggestions and or fixes are welcome. I hope it helps ... and if you guys have any suggestions or solutions to my issue they are welcome as well.

    Swipe Tile walk Test

    Just to clear it a bit.

    I'm using the text to see what I'm doing also the Blue and red squares are for visual input on my part to see where my touch starts and ends.(they are not being used for anything but visual feedback)


    After some hammering down on the situation i came to a possible cleaner solution. Here's my Generic Grid Walk I hope it helps for later use.


  • This is a very sadistic and adictive game. It was made for fun and to explore C2 while bothering my wife in the process. Please note no real birds were fried during the making or playing of this game.

    At the moment it is free to play right here:


    <img src="http://edugolem.com/golemwp/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/pajarito.png" border="0">

    Pajarito Frito</center>

    For now there is no actual point to the game... I have plans of making it into a puzzle style challenge game however I am taking my time.

    How to play: drag the bird to the oil.

    If the bird is let go (and not in contact with the cage) he will fly away.

    When the bird is fried another one will appear and the fried one will disappear in 3 seconds(while caged one is still caged)

    This is just an experiment. Still working on it.

    I hope at least some of you enjoy it hehehe.

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  • Hey the mechanics are just like pokemon and old final fantasy 1 pretty good looking. Just a thought you couls just post your game inside a folder in google drive share it a "public" with the "can view" option, open it with the google viewer and click preview button.. then just copy that link and there instant hosting people can see and play it no problem.

  • Hi there! A long time ago I made an illustration and mused about this game. I made it originally in Klick and Play(maxis corporation) but since they "vanished" I never got to keep working on it. Along came C2 and I said to myself Let's do this! So I red trough most of the forums and manuals and even made a little space shooter try out to test the waters a bit( you can try it out here It's not finished I'm just testing stuff Red Fighter Test )(eventually this will be a decent-ish game just not yet).


    I have a capx of my very little progress here:

    GoatSukah CAPX

    Note that all is very basic at the moment. I just wanna solve some small issues so I can continue building uppon it.

    and my work in progress test folder

    Published Test Folder

    The thing is. After a while my Platform game started behaving really slow. I reduced the size on the background and fixed the platform behviour on the character. Added some "interface wannabe" so I could try it on the iphone 3gs I have. (not updated to IOS version 6 yet though (not enough space :P ))

    I have quite an amount of games in the sketchbooks still but i'd like to make this one work before I start any others.

    My target audience will be mobile... I'm starting with iphone because its what I have (and a fairly outdated one at that).

    I'm still making stuff for this game and hope to solve the slowdown issues. Any comments or suggestions are welcome.

    If you need any illustrations let me know too.

    RageVortex on Deviant Art

    Happy hunting -game making -- shooting--


  • Oh Nice! ... I just had adapted my game to catch the touchX and touch Y on the ship's inner "xTarget and yTarget" variables to see if It could just move better like that(which it did) this solution you give me will help with the (soon to come) battle system. (other than just plainly shooting every x tics) I wanna ram the thing to some of the targets heheh :) Thanx a lot :D

  • Hmm.. I was looking for something similar.. that particle idea is pretty good too. I'm working on a shooter-ish game and I want to make the "ship" fly bounce around and return in the "general direction of the swipe... sounds harder than it is(or maybe not :P ).

  • This test is preety usefull:

    Actually I'm also interested on a capx file of the test you posted here(if at all possible when youre able). It shows some interesting values on my iphone 3gs and some nice movement that I'd like to take a more detained look at. I'm trying to make a shooter that should combine accelerometer valeues and swipe for certain movements.