I like how simple alextro's formula is. Unfortunately that will only work with isometric blocks with the same size.
For different sized blocks you need to figure out which objects are in front of the other. Consider the simplest case of two blocks. This site does a nice job at explaining a way to do that:
Once you have a way to decide which of any two blocks should be in front of the other you can use that to progressively sort the scene. You only need to sort objects visually overlapping each other. For making everything sort more instantly, you can use a topo sort if needed.
In my latest tests I've found the step of figuring out which of two blocks should be in front of the other is closely related to pushing one object out of the other for Collison detection. Basically find the normal of the collision/overlap of each pair. Even if the objects aren't overlapping in 3d it's possible to find this normal. If you're not familiar with normals, they are just the 3d direction from one contact face to the other object.
Anyways with that you dot product the normal vector with the direction of the screen. If <0 then one object is in front, otherwise the the other is in front.
Here's a test of that.
Anyways, for the perspective you're using it will be simpler than sorting for a isometric view, but the idea is similar. I was attempting to adapt my example to your perspective but not much luck yet. Hopefully it gives some ideas, or you stumble on a simpler solution.