Now I am new to Construct and just created a quiz game. My question bank is in the form of json file and when I exported it to apk, I found out that it can be unzipped and all these txt/json files are in plain sight. Now I am worried that anyone can steal the question bank that I created with so much effort and create a similar game based out of it. Now I took a look at apk's of other similar games and I couldn't find any questions in simple text format. Now if someone with deep hacking knowledge wants to get my data, its ok and they are very few. But I do NOT want any Tom, **** or Harry to get this data so easily by simply unzipping an apk that are available on 3rd party sites such as apkpure, apkmirror. So can we have some form of encryption to txt and json files please. I found that unity is a free platform and the apk's they generate are very difficult to decipher. Please input your thoughts as this is very important to me.
There are encryption plugins
Read the documentation carefully though, this specific plugin stopped working and is now available as script.
That will stop the average person.
This plugin is outdated. Also it only encrypts a text object in the layout. What about text files in the files folder? I don't think those files can be rewritten by any action. I can only edit them manually in editor. How do we call those files to the encrypt/decrypt function and then overwrite them?
If I place my json file in base64 format, then how can I decode it to another json or array object?
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You can simply change the characters and spaces in the file.
It is not human readable.
A professional if he wants to break any protection.
Files can't be rewritten but you can always just encrypt the json, download the text and put it already encrypted as a file.
Then you load it via ajax, decrypt the data and use json > parse to load it into the json object.
Yes I wanted a solution on those lines. It would be great if you can post an example.
This example is made very simple.
- No matter what format, I showed the principle of how it works. I can't make a game for you.
- But I would advise you not to worry that something will be stolen from you. And focus on making great games.
ok...will try to do it somehow...thanks for your help
Here's a fairly simple way to do the encryption with a key.