Quique's Forum Posts

  • I was trying to submit a new tutorial today, when I found this problem, thanks for open the topic here guys, I hope they can fix it soon.

  • Hi HPA97!!!

    Its very simple you just need to go to main menu an choose "Export project" then you only need to check what kind of format do you want to create, there is an icon with Scirra Arcade, choose it, and thats all.

    By the way, do you download the latest update? scirra.com/construct2/releases/r108.2

    <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />


  • Thanks God you are back guys.

    <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • OMG!!!!!

    Need an explanation?


  • Direct from Edgar's (Lucid) twitter account:

    Spriter WIP plugin for Scirra #construct2 (https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1013446/SpriterReleases/plugintest/index.html) - this is just html5 canvas mode, perf will be even better w/webGL

  • Well that's what Tom said: "It is the work of our highly talented artist Paulo! I'm hoping to roll the new design across the entire site (but it's a big job!)"

    Someday you will enter in your profile and will discover the new design applied on it.


  • Woooow, that's a great topic for a new competition!!!

  • Thanks for the clarification Mike!!!

  • Well as far as I know, Spriter will be part or will launch a special version for Construct2 as soon as lucid and Ashley finish the implementation, meanwhile Spriter exports individual image frames of an animation in png format that you can add into your project.

    I suppose you want to use the pin behaviour for animate different parts separately and join them after, That's right?

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  • That's a good idea!!!

    And if this will be the wishes list...

    I was thinking on a space for review the past competitions, statistics and winners. Something like a board of records!!!

    Just a Suggestion!!!

  • Hey guys, does anyone of you tested Spriter?

    I downloaded the 1rb version, and it looks nice, it works fluently but I dont know why I prefer tu make my animations with Adobe Fireworks.

    I'm thinking in make a comparison of this two tools and post it on tutorials.

    What software are you using for create your animations?

    Maybe I can include it on the comparison.

    If you are interested on read something about this topic, please let me know!!!


  • Well we just need to wait, in fact it's a big job but will be worth the effort!!!

  • Am I the only one here that loves the new Scirra's Homepage design?

    <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hola Gustavo, yo soy de M�xico, cualquier aporte, duda, comentario o sugerencia que podamos compartir, sera de mucha ayuda, bienvenido!!!!

  • Same problem, in edit image screen, animations section , we can't change animation speed, repeat count and repeat to.