Quique's Forum Posts

  • Haaaa I found it...

    <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Need some help here...

    I have a game ready for upload in the Arcade, but I made it with the Free edition version, and I can?t find how to do this:

    "The file must be in .zip format exported directly from Construct 2"

    So what must I do?

    I just want to put it in Facebook on this weekend because my country has presidential elections and I want to make fun with it...

    I appreciate (and so much)for your help...

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Amazing idea guys, you know very well how to maintain this community growing and growing.

    Very nice....

    And trust me we are hungry for more competitions!!!!


  • Hi !!!

    My name is Enrique but everybody tell me Quique, I'm a software engineer, developer and dreamer, also since I have memory a big gamer.

    My dad introduced me to the world of video games with the old Atari 2600, that was my first contact with this amazing world. Suddenly woke up in me a big curiosity for know how the games work, then I started to love the computers.

    Since I discovered Consrtuct 2 I can't stop to imagine hundreds of games, I hope to learn a lot here and make good friends and why not... business partners.

    Greetings from Mexico City.
