honestly, im starting to hate the oversaturation of the gaming market with ***** and FPS's which are good and all, but just are just the same old hat stuff. i mean i can understand FPS's with online are fun, but i currently own 3 fps's, and 2 3rd person shooters, and that sickens me. this is the first time, EVER on a console that i own more than 2 shooters. it used to be that i had a console to play games like banjo kazooie, or mario 64 and stuff like that. but now most of the games like that suck. its not nostalgia, i know that much because i just recently started playing NES games, which i used to avoid and are enjoying them much more than and console game. i never owned a NES and i can say i enjoy playing megaman over gears of war, or COD4.
it just seems to me as the years go by, the # of enjoyable games for each system goes down. the market is way too big nowadays. everyones doing the same thing.
Nintendo all went downhill since the wind waker, and since Rare was bought.
i guess all of this is why im into indy games now. they bring any style, from any generation and all of the stuff feels completely brand new, or like the stuff i used to enjoy as a kid.now i wanna start seeing n64 generation esque games being made. theres a strange gap in 3d games being made. everyone feels they all have to be amazing looking and not focus on game play or design. the N64 zelda games did a great job of makin that ugly polygonal world feel real and full of life, now 3d games look real, and feel dead.
wtv thats my rant on games. all i really need is a snes controller i can attach to my comp, and SDTV-PC hookup and i can get all the advantages of a console