you need a customly programmed behaviour for this, there is no simple hack u could use with the platform movement which would be simpler than programming your own movement. just getting the circles to influence the jumps gravity realistically is complicated, not to mention that the character would land on his head without additional programming to control the characters angle as he jumps and lands. making the character rotate around the circles, is probably the simplest thing to do. all you need to do is set the characters x and y position to
x= circle.x+cos(angle of the character in relation to the circle hes standing on)*radius of the circle plus the distance of the character feet from his hotspot.
y= circle.y+sin(angle of the character in relation to the circle hes standing on)*radius of the circle plus the distance of the character feet from his hotspot.
i havnt played around with the custom movement behaviour very much, but i bet you could use it to simplify the gravity influence and stuff like character movement speed