QuaziGNRLnose's Forum Posts

  • thats a really cool concept. i hope the physics isnt too cpu heavy though.

  • Australia comes in first, Canada second

  • adding scrolling makes it alot harder to copy

  • your unlucky in that this game is really easy to copy though. the more complicated stuff that you add in, the much harder it makes it for people to make a copy.

  • yes there is actually

  • another weird type of bar from same chat question.


  • kind of a dickhead. Tim Langdell of freeware games i guess , make sure he doesnt trademark the name :O.

    im guessing this guy just print screened your levels and used em as a single picture with collision detection in flash. with minimal edits

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  • ive thought of this too, it would be useful as you said, for rts applications

  • yes fraps should be your best choice then.

    and yes mipey it would work, it would be slow, but if you catch every frame the slowdown during rendering wouldnt have an effect.

  • And yes you would still need to figure in timedelta in there somewhere.


    camstudio wont work, you dont understand that these programs fudge things up big time when it come to animation recording. they're not designed to cap a high framerate, and when they do the video needs to be small, and the capping of such highframerates will mess up the recording since the playing of the program uses the same resources as the recorder. ideally for high quality animation recording you want the video to be rendered so that you can get every frame, and not rely on system specs for the playing of the animation during the recording. U most certainly do not want timedelta, as the fps will be under 10 on any normal machine during the process, so then when the animation plays back once you put all the rendered frames together, everything will run at 10x speed. i have alot of experience with this kind of thing. video records will give you undesirable results if your looking for professional quality.

    now im not sure if hes just using construct as a medium for making his video and wants things to be top notch, or if he simply want a pretty good job of capturing simple things. for the latter my method isnt ideal. but if its the former then it is.

    btw ash theres no way of exporting a frame as an image? id think a screen cap function for percisely this kind of use would be nice.

  • > or insert code which takes a screen cap every frame, then parse together the frames as an anim using some program



    Not sure you want to do that every frame...

    if hes using using his project strictly for an animation, the huge amount of lag(which im aware of already) that this would create doesnt matter. its as if construct were rendering a video, like 3d software does. the speed decrease of the running program wouldnt have any effect on the speed of the video. of course youd need everything to be framerate dependant or else time delta would mess movements up.

    this would provide you with the best possible animation quality, with the best framerate, and it would be the native size of the video. then you could use a program like ffmpeg to parse the frames toghether.

    trust me if your going for the best possible quality i would do things this way. if not fraps should do the job fine

  • or insert code which takes a screen cap every frame, then parse together the frames as an anim using some program

  • id think physics would be your best option here, since it would be the easiest to set up. ropes are a tricky thing to make, and a cap file would be the best way to show you how to do it. but i don't have time since i need to go school in 15 minutes. try playing around with loops. you should give your string nodes (link on the chain/string) a variable called id. when you create oh lets say 30 of them at the start of the layout using a loop. and set their id to the loop index, so that the nodes have ordered numbers in their id value. then using the family picking hack, you make a "for each node" and then choose the family assigned to your nodes, lets say "red" and add a condition so that it looks like this

    -for each node

    -red pv "ID" is eqaul to "node('ID')+1" (it can be minus one also, watever works better)

    then youd make an action like, node create hinge to object red, or vice versa.

    its kinda complicated, and if this all going over your head ask me to make a cap and ill do it for u

  • thats sick lucid

    you use sprite z placment/distort im guessing right.

    the physics dont account for 3d movements do they? i dont really see how u could do that, but other than that, its really awesome, i love flying in and out of the screen.

    i dont really see the need for physics tho, its making it look jellyish. a follower script like i usen in evOlution would prolly look better, and you could probably tweak its movement over the z plane by making the segments virtual spheres

  • sounds cool

    (its not like were making games for him, since we take credit for making the game)

    i think it should be randomised tho, since you can potentially assign an idea based off of who you think would like doing that, kinda skewing the compo. (not that im accusing u or anything)

    http://watchout4snakes.com/CreativityTo ... graph.aspx

    maybe we make a game based off something from this? you assign two random things, and we choose any sentence we would like?

    id gladly like to try the compo but we need more entrants.