story based compo anyone?

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  • i've never initiated a friendly competition before but i'm going to give it a go anyhow.

    it'll be story based in that i'll provide each contestant bits and pieces of a story/plot and the rest would be up to the contestant to fill in as they please.

    the compo will on saturday and sunday.

    reply to this thread and i'll give each of you your plot bits!

  • I have no idea what you mean by this...sounds like we are just making games for you. Can you provide more details on how the compo would actually work?

  • eh, i'm not sure what details you want but the way i'm hoping this will work is that i'll give entrants story bits and they make a game with what i give them?


    1) The theme of this story: dark adventure. The main character: stupid alien. The major event of the story: journey.

    2) The theme of this story: epic caper. The main character: laid-back assisant. The major event of the story: violence.

    3) The theme of this story: humorous slice-of-life. The main characters: detached healer and burnt-out rogue. The start of the story: critical injury. The end of the story: misunderstanding.

    4) The theme of this story: humorous transformation. The main character: philosophical biologist. The major event of the story: natural disaster.

    5) The theme of this story: light-hearted quest. The main character: narrow-minded psychiatrist. The start of the story: reconciliation. The end of the story: sport.

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  • sounds cool

    (its not like were making games for him, since we take credit for making the game)

    i think it should be randomised tho, since you can potentially assign an idea based off of who you think would like doing that, kinda skewing the compo. (not that im accusing u or anything) ... graph.aspx

    maybe we make a game based off something from this? you assign two random things, and we choose any sentence we would like?

    id gladly like to try the compo but we need more entrants.

  • Sounds very cool. And I'd join in a heartbeat, but I have to attend some family celebration this weekend.

  • Thanks for the details Vinny. When I first saw your announcement I mistakenly took it for someone just interested in people making parts of a game for someone else, which was clearly my mistake.

    This actually sounds like a cool contest, and I would do it. However, I can't for the next couple weeks.

    To get better participation in contests, I think we need more announcement structure and better warning on when the contest would be. For example, announce the contest three-four weeks in advance, then get lots of comments and interest generated in it. Give some type of formal description of the contest, rules, judging, etc.... That will get more people interested in participating. As you get closer to the date of the contest, post reminders to keep visibility and interest up.

    Just some thoughts. I would personally love to see more contest run for Construct. I'd even be willing to chip in some small prize money for the winner to encourage more participation!

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