QuaziGNRLnose's Forum Posts

  • lucid, somehow i know this is pointed towards me

    honestly, the re usability sounds beautiful, and everything looks pretty simple

    i already started learning python with some tuts, forgot it all now but it wasn't too hard from what i remember, and this code looks pretty easy to grasp, all i need is to learn a little bit more about the syntax and its implementation in construct, and ill be good to go, i can honestly make alot of my code neater with this, and faster to write too, that alone is great.

    a little example showing something i understand in events through python, seems to be just what i needed to really "get" pythons use.

    Now that schools over (last exam was 5 hours ago!) i can sink my teeth into this.

  • i run into very few bugs actually, if any at all that actually have to do with a problem with the program that i cant easily figure out and work around in a small amount of time, and the stuff i do is quite complex, much more than what ive seen done in any of the projects on your site. infact of all those projects, the level of polish i see in them is in on par with games ive seen made for one hour competitions on this site, by myself and others, which isnt all that high. with code like that, and sloppy work its a sure shot that your gonna be neck high in bugs of your own doing.

    from what im seeing you werent given much time in those 9 weeks to actually work on it, or you rather chose not too, further resulting in your frustration with the program and feeling it was "buggy". there are a small deal of work arounds you have to understand to use this program without running into bugs, but theyre not all that difficult to figure out. After messing something up once you'll know what to avoid doing/using. even without those things being avoided construct still presents you with a great deal more power than you make it out to have, or rather seem to be.

    I'm interested in what these bugs might be, and i'm pretty sure 90% of them if not more have to do with you inexperience with the program rather than construct itself, due undoubtedly the small window of time you all had to complete the games.

  • just use tiled backgrounds and stretch them, then drag individual sprites or single squared TiledBGs for detail work

    painting a whole bunch of sprites isnt a good idea anyway, from my experience using individual objects for large expanses of tiles lags the game quite a bit unless you implement optmisations using events.

  • more than ready it has been for a long time, ive run into alot of bugs/game crashes in my big projects but all of them were fixable if i just tried isolating them and finding the problem events. mind you the problems weren't very clear but by moving things around i could prevent it.

  • http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/c ... =Main_Page

    also look here for any info your wondering about, not everything will be there but there is quite a bit of useful information

    tell him to sign up on the forums, and ask questions in the help section etc.

    i'm sure he could do it, i'm only 15, and i had an easy time learning it when i was 13-14.

  • hehe lucids right, alot of the ol timers are just lurking more, workin on projects and waiting for the next vers, also its good to mention its the end of the school year and vacation is beginning so its not gonna be as active as it is during other months.

  • lol that was fast,

    ive never had anything ive uploaded taken down with dropbox, so i guess pretty indefinite, you just have a set amount of space though, its big enough but sometimes i wanna move files around so if i want something to be really permanent i uploaded it to box.net

  • dropbox



  • it looks and feels extremely professional, and i like it a lot, but i cant help feel theres not enough of everyones stuff, and the stuff that is shown is just sorta clipped in at the end on that screen cylinder thing.

    whats shown is really nice and i'm not against the fact that you used a lot of your own stuff due to lack of other material, but the idea of this project was to showcase everyones stuff, and right now i'm not really feeling that it accomplished this.

    I can say for sure you did great work, and i know you busted *** on this, but having it longer with more of the communities' games shown is something that in at least my opinion would allow it the title "the official construct show-reel" something that it would 100% be deserving of with more clips.

  • not sure what you mean by macro and i might not be helping with what your asking but i know that word has a find and replace/replace all ect. thats pretty handy. again this might not be what you mean by macro :S

  • http://www.stumbleupon.com/su/3RpLsh/ww ... olaterals/

    saw this on stumble upon like a week ago lmao

  • Try Construct 3

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  • usually problems that occur because of new versions are because, something that worked through a bug, is now working as intended, its happened to me quite a few times, and when i look over the events whats going on makes sense. the easiest way to troubleshoot these things are to, well delete the old code and remake whatever isn't working properly. or of course see if you can find the source of the problem.

    and if your still having trouble remake something similar in a new file and see how that acts.

  • ima probably enter a game i was planning on releasing as freeware anyway. its held by some of the guys behind the 2bee competitions so i think its pretty legit.

    theres a lot of lawyeristic stuff in the rules, but i mean i read it all and it seems you retain all rights except to distribute or something like that when you win the 100,000k, the prize can be revoked if you break rules, not fair-play etc. but even so my game was supposed to be freeware so anything fishy doesn't even matter to me, just the publicity of winning would be nice, and the prize is a great addition too

  • OR if you have two types of monsters for example a ghost and a chicken... you could put them into a family called "enemies" and then make it enemies.count.


    System Compare: ghost.count+chicken.count is less or equal to 0

    -> Go to next layout

    theres no "right" way just do what ever you feel works best for you

    [quote:1t1nmwwv]3d etc. etc.

    Yes, but seeing as you've just started construct i say practice a lot of other stuff before you go anywhere near 3d, Besides basic 3d box stuff and Z elevation. its not a straightforward process and is would pretty much be considered an ADVANCED "technique", there are .cap files on the forums available demonstrating a multitude of ways to do 3D stuff as scidave said feel free to check them out yourself .

  • maybe its a problem with your sound card drivers? try getting the latest updates for it that might help