QuaziGNRLnose's Forum Posts

  • i need to program a colour picker and im not sure how i would do this, any help??

  • rts behaviour uses A*!

  • yea some new icons would be cool but not really high on the priority list.

  • > Yup, but the problem with the enemy's pathfinding is still on.

    > Is there a script or something which calculates the path that the AI have to move to go near your troops?


    Im afraid something like that would be way to general, the only way to go about it is to program your own enemy ai. If they just blindly attack theyll be retarded, and you need to make sure the AI plays like a human player with similar disadvantages (LOS etc), you'll also want to make sure they build counter units to yours if they catch a glimpse of what you have, and their force is deemed weaker by some arbitrary formula you'll have to make up.

    Since any good AI should be limited to the abilities of a human player, unless your game absolutely dictates otherwise you can see why making them just SEND attack forces to you if they have no sight of your units would be a little unfair. the AI should scout to find you, just like any human would.

    All this is pretty general, its up to you to figure out a way to get it into your game with your programming, theres no easy way, but making use of RTS pathfinding should make it much easier to give the AI routes. for example to scout you dont need to make some movement script, just make the AI send the scout unit to some random point it can't see, where it thinks there are no units etc, make a soldier unit walk up to range from some enemy to engage it.

    Good luck!, im sure there are some good resources on RTS AI programming around the web you could use to help you, google is your friend. Gamedev.com would be a good place to look aswell.

    EDIT: first google result was a gamedev article about exactly this

    http://www.gamedev.net/community/forums ... _id=329005

  • Yup, but the problem with the enemy's pathfinding is still on.

    Is there a script or something which calculates the path that the AI have to move to go near your troops?

    Im afraid something like that would be way to general, the only way to go about it is to program your own enemy ai. If they just blindly attack theyll be retarded, and you need to make sure the AI plays like a human player with similar disadvantages (LOS etc), you'll also want to make sure they build counter units to yours if they catch a glimpse of what you have, and their force is deemed weaker by some arbitrary formula you'll have to make up.

    Since any good AI should be limited to the abilities of a human player, unless your game absolutely dictates otherwise you can see why making them just SEND attack forces to you if they have no sight of your units would be a little unfair. the AI should scout to find you, just like any human would.

    All this is pretty general, its up to you to figure out a way to get it into your game with your programming, theres no easy way, but making use of RTS pathfinding should make it much easier to give the AI routes. for example to scout you dont need to make some movement script, just make the AI send the scout unit to some random point it can't see, where it thinks there are no units etc, make a soldier unit walk up to range from some enemy to engage it.

    Good luck!, im sure there are some good resources on RTS AI programming around the web you could use to help you, google is your friend. Gamedev.com would be a good place to look aswell.

  • "ender's game"?

    nope, i don't read books much, i should though. Maybe ill read it, i looked at a little description seems interesting, i love apocalyptic space-operaish stories.

  • About that game You got inspired from... Could thumbs look like the ones from that box? And You could add some funky looking japan letters flying around in the silly japaneese tv show style

    yea i was planning to do that, with the ability to draw your own face and stuff

  • set the height of the sprites to a negative number at the time when they're messing up, and back to a positive when they're in the "non-messed up orientation", it'll flip the arms vertically, fixing the problem i suspect. didn't try it since i cant open your cap for wtv reason, but see if it works.

  • Man Vector graphics in Construct would be sweet - my buddy draws his images in Illustrator for Construct, I love the vector 'look' though when we import in the images we can't scale them very well.

    this is vector math, not the same thing as GFX

  • http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm24 ... hadows.png

    got fake "raytraced" shadows working, its funny how something that would probably take 3 clicks to implement in a real 3d program takes a boat load of events to make in construct >:D but learning to do things this way from the ground up is a priceless learning experience for me at least.

    oh yea, a small demo of it is up on the TIGS page.

  • For the current TIGS competition i decided to make a game based on:

    <img src="http://famicase.com/09/softs/31.jpg">

    Its going to be a 3d thumb wrestling game with dynamic animation and all that stuff, made in construct.

    here are a few development screenshots:

    <img src="http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm245/QuaziGnrlNose/thumbz.png">

    <img src="http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm245/QuaziGnrlNose/NewBitmapImage.jpg">

    <img src="http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm245/QuaziGnrlNose/NewBitmapImage2.png">

    You can follow its progress and get more info here:


    Tell me what you guys think, and any suggestions/ideas are welcome!

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  • lots of nice new adds and fixes in this build.

    and you release the 3d object just as i finished making a model of thumbs for a 3d thumbwrestiling game im making for the TIGsource compo. dynamically animated and everything. GRR it would of came in handy .

    <img src="http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm245/QuaziGnrlNose/NewBitmapImage.jpg">

  • 3d object sounds pretty useful, but 3d is just so much of a hassle to handle in engine, and to create content for that i don't see very many people using it. Doesn't mean im not excited for the plug tho, been wanting this for a while, and modeling some things using 3DS instead of variables and sprites, code and beziers seems very nice . what rotation system is it using?

  • buidling an array using python isnt all that complicated though is it? from what i remember using lists and "for loops" to make arrays is pretty easy.

  • i saw this vid randomly on youtube and i just found it cool/funny, anyone whos played megaman 2 will understand, thought id share it