QuaziGNRLnose's Forum Posts

  • i usually dont have trouble with families except for the odd time or two.

    adding variables is pretty intuitive for the most part, and if you somehow mistakenly add a variable to an object alone or it goes into the wrong family, you CAN just add a variable with the same name to the family and the variable will automatically be replaced with the family counterpart

    ive never had any irreversible bugs with families though and if your worried by it, you can just save before you try to do something you havent done before and revert if something messes up.

    by all means you should use them if your constantly rewriting events for different objects.

  • instead of lerp you can also use cubic or qarp for a non linear fall off curve

  • just the basic stock mouse behaviour?

    [EDIT] i think i also used your physics fix thing, sol gave it to me on chat

  • testing out something for a game idea with physics

    <img src="http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm245/QuaziGnrlNose/balloonthing.png">

    i used distort maps to make it look fancy and have "dynamic" shading


    feel free to look at it and ask questions, basically everything that uses a distort map is rendering out the same thing, just with scaling and offsets

    erase with a canvas was used to clip off extra junk

  • yea, the front site should have more content on it and links,

    sort of like the clickteam site


    its just kinda empty right now, and doesn't reflect all the awesomeness thats been done thus far.

    i mean, like 90% the demos/downloads/game examples are from like a year or more ago!

  • hmm, what do you mean?

  • Nice!

    but why is it, EVERY time i write a tutorial for something it becomes obsolete by a custom plugin

  • Vectors, universal game pad support, and plug-ins written in C# or Java. Especially vectors, I didn't foresee this limitation being a problem, but it may force me to use Game Maker or SFML.

    you mean vector graphics or something? well you can sort of get the modifiable polygon effect with distort maps

    http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/c ... istort_Map

  • same here, this is a great idea


  • was actually gonna say, "like phun" in my post, but i had already done that to ask for something like this a few times in the past , this would be a really nice feature, with control over what collisions between objects are disabled as well during the edittime

  • -Event-written behaviors/plugins/modules

    -Multicore support/better general performance

    -Multiplatform support (see note in post - effectively one other platform)

    seeing mac support would be nice, it seems like it wouldn't require anything to be held back.

    Speed is always something that should be at the top of the list i agree, the more i can do without dropping fps the better.

    the event-behavior thing always seemed like a must to me, extending the function of events to be cross project - reusable things would really make work alot faster, seeing how i and probably everyone else generally reuse alot of techniques that dont have plugins developed for them, and rewriting events for something ive generally already made is just a waste of time. Making plugins altogether to do a simple task isn't always worth it, unless speed is an issue that only C++ would solve/give large gains on.

    if i had a fourth option, i'd say multiplayer support, but seeing as theres already a way to do this and its for sure going to develop as something further into a plugin sometime in the future i put the others in my top 3.

  • yea it probably might be possible, look into the xaudio2 objects actions, conditions, and events

  • no, it has nothing at all to with your velocity, everything there is fine, it has to do with your value total angle, at a ceratin point if its in a location that allows it/the angle from ship to your mouse is bad, instead of bouncing back and forth, itll encroach zero, at that point, once it gets too long i suspect as a float, itll return -1.#IND or wtv, and then since your other actions are all somehow connected to it (you set the angle of an object, then you set velocity using it and set position and so forth) they all consecutively fail to work, since -1#IND is not a number, and so they return the same value aswell.

    i think its an inherit problem with the way your decel on the angle is designed, it just pingpongs and it can be quite irratic as it shrinks (but gains decimal places) until it becomes a problem.

    since the problem is that the number is too LONG your going to need to place a limit on what numbers you add with the angle diff

    now what im going to post isnt the BEST fix, since im not sure whether or not the bug can still happen on rare occasions, but it does prevent the bug from happening 99.9999...% of the time im estimating

    if this worries you, your best bet would probably be to scrap the current way or find a way to fix the way mouse/angle rotation is handled and rewrite it in a more stable manner that doesnt extend complexity as it runs on.

    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1010927/fixdspaceship.cap (fix on your current system)

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  • Could be said that UDK/3DRAD are the 3D equivalent of Construct/Game Maker?

    hmm not really, they dont make it easy like construct does, you need to know real programming, but they have calls and stuff to make it easier using library and those languages. For instance, you dont need to make your own model loader and rotation sytems, collision detection etc. because stuff like that is already in there.

    you can call construct an engine/sortaish devkit, but cant really call UDK/3DRAD game creation programs.

  • does your movement code involve divisions? it sound as if it might be dividing by zero once you pass a point, -1.#IND occurs when you divide by zero, a way to remedy it is always make sure you add a small value like 0.0000001 to the divisor, or have a check for the divisor, and if its = 0, set it to 0.0000001 or wtv

    alternatively, it might be that your using numbers just way too big and going over the digit limit, but i dont think this is the case. are you using large numbers?

    sorry about editing this on the fly i just tested something and i was making it too complicated for nothing