QuaziGNRLnose's Forum Posts

  • yes theres a way, but you need to find out if its the offset from a specific points original position or from the sprites center

    if its an offset from that specific points original location your going to need to figure that out then add the xy offsets.

    so lets say you distort object is a 64x64 square, with a distort map of 2,1 (3x2)

    first your going to need to know which X(column),Y(row) your using, then your going to need to find out the top left corner's xy location(of the square, non distorted of course). its important that you keep track of the distort map column/row size and keep it in 0 based form, and keep its angle and width/height at the original objects values or else it might not work unless you implement something to get around that in the upcoming formula.

    so now that you have those things, you need to actually put all that info into a formula that'll do what you intend.


    for X:

    sprite.left+((sprite.width/sprite('distortmapColumns'))*{current column})+Sprite.VertexX({current column},{current row})

    for y:

    sprite.top+((sprite.height/sprite('distortmapRows'))*{current Row})+Sprite.VertexY({current column},{current row})

    and im pretty sure that'll work.

    if im completely out of the ball park its because the assumptions i made were wrong (i dont have a comp to test if i understand the elements of the problem correctly)

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  • done!

  • My brother Davioware has a game that fits just that bill.

    http://gamejolt.com/freeware/games/plat ... limb/1459/

  • http://gamejolt.com/freeware/games/arca ... atch/3161/

    i think my game MEGA THUMB: DREAM MATCH is one of the more complicated construct games out there right now, if not the most.

    It makes use of the event engine and ONLY the event engine, with no custom plugins or even any "3D object"(s) to make a game with 3D graphics using only sprite mesh displacement. The animation system for the 3D stuff is made with events only and custom inverse kinematic stuff. The 3D rotations for cameras/objects/etc. are done using only events. on-top of that theres a built-in custom character editor which has its own 2D graphics editor,3D object manipulation and a complex array and raster image based save/load system.

    It's proof construct is super powerful, and that if you can imagine it, with enough work and skill you can do it, even if your only using events.

  • yea, and i pissed my buddies off by always singing 'Always' by Erasure because of the game xD

  • mostly paint, and for some stuff Photoshop/Painter (like in MEGA THUMB)

  • you are, but this engine is dated, really dated. you could do something a lot more impressive now.

  • 5)

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  • That bug with groups wherein you try to select one thing and everything in the group is selected no matter how hard you try to select that single event, and the only way around it is to close the group and reopen, or when you double click on the event the group closes and needs to be reopened, its the cause of that copy/paste bug davio's talking about, since you unintentionally select everything.

    It needs to be fixed!

    I second physics general crappybuggyness being fixed as-well.

    if i recall the world has a boundary limit/size, this should of been based on where your scrolled rather than just the distance from the origin, so that you can never be out of the boundary if an objects within visual range (near scrollx scrolly), but it still exists for far off objects from the current screen position, this would be the best fix since im pretty sure you cant remove the boundary completely, and the only way around it right now is a custom scrolling system which is just ridiculous.

    also springs and even hinges i think just freak out if the things attached are too small, its extremely annoying.

  • the image editor is pretty good for what it is, it just needs to be able to handle large pictures better and the selection tool shouldn't do that weird hard to understand selection that shows a pixel off.

    I have no idea why someone would want to outright remove something thats one of the fastest prototyping tools in construct.

    the ability to use layers and clipping masks would go a long way in making it better, and some better brush controls as well.

  • the properties bar in the event editor, i mean its pretty useless to have there and just takes up space.

  • if you feed cosp a 2 itll return to the first value, since it uses cosine which is periodic, it wont continue into No man's land like lerp/qarp/cubic, since its essentially cos(t*180) or something like that controlling an interpolation




    but its a pure A-B-A sine loop, not a hard bounce like rojos, that would have to be a kinda ABScosp sysexp.

    and to make rojos faster its better to just do


    id imagine.

  • **** **** hehe, now thats just silly. People using this language are always gonna be CAPSing it out so whats the point, to filter casual vulgarity?

  • Well, the other day i was at the video store with davio and we saw N&B for sale used, for $14.99 so we just had to buy it (WHY IS THIS GAME LESS EXPENSIVE THAN "50cent:Blood on the Sand" i feel like hitting someone)

    Anywho, i have to tell all of you who have Xbox's and haven't tried it yet to give it a whirl. The game is awesome, maybe not the Banjo Kazooie your used to, but awesome nonetheless. Even though the actual story may seem lame at times the way challenges are set up, its something that you get used to a learn to enjoy trying to find ridiculous ways to beat them, or trying to get as high a score as possible.

    the graphics are superb and colorful, exploring showdown town (hub world) looking for parts crates is tons of fun and requires you to do some old school banjo platforming since you can only use a crappy trolly in the town, theres alot of fun to be had just finding new secrets in the hub world. The game has lots of funny dialogue and little touches that'll make you laugh all the time.

    the core of the game is where it really shines though, the vehicles. It may sound lame at first to some but once you start getting alot of cool parts itll start to be on your mind all the time. Its basically as much fun as legos, except alot more animated and with alot of cool parts to add on. I find it more exciting than legos though because you actually have real goals to achieve and you can experiment to create all kinds of cool stuff and sillyness. Just making vehicles with new ideas is a ton of fun and will absorb hours of time, and every time you find a cool new part youll automatically think of new ways to use it to make something new or improve an existing vehicle design. Like i recently found a jet engine and i combined it with hingey ropes to a chair and made a pod racer

    then i though of a way to make a gattling gun, put a jet engine on a pivoting axel made of towbar's (like a springy attachement point) and put guns on the pivoting engine, then when you press the trigger the engine spins the block around and you can shoot the guns like a gattling gun. I made a giant Octoroc that shoots blocks with a spring. the possibilities are endless and ive only got probably 25% of the parts. Some people have even built walking transforming mechs. It's just too fun .

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    If your the kind of person that loves playing with legos, this is THE game for you, and for $14.99 its a really unbelievable deal.

  • why didnt you make in a new layout instead of a new project, im not sure if theres a way/plugin to launch another application through a construct application.