PudgyPlatypus's Forum Posts

  • Hey Rango,

    1) I'm guessing that's fine but don't quote me on it. I think they mean more of the game itself needs to be just created for it, reusing art and such is a normal thing to do.

    2) Yea I can see that not being an easy word to get. Some other words would be lies, misinforming, betrayal, trickery. So in the simplest sense, something that is misleading or just a lie. A game example would be like Portal, how Glados is a character who lies and tries to trick you as the player. It is an interesting topic for a game that isn't used a lot. So try and think of a way that you can be "tricky" to the player or make the gameplay where you have to "trick" something else or something looks a certain way but then isn't really that.

    Hopefully that helps!

  • So I'm late to the party and don't have hours to search through these 30 + pages, how does this work on Mobile devices if anyone has tried? I have my Pixel Golf game running through with Cordova export and it runs quite well on my iOS devices but the physics options are so limited that this would be great if it works well.

    I might just have to try later today for myself, but are there any active examples around of this being implemented for me to see how it runs?

  • It's actually not too bad to do in C2. I made a nice template with the functionality you need for a time based tapping game and it's on the store here: https://www.scirra.com/store/games-with ... e-game-666

    I know it's a couple bucks but I think it definitely can save ya some time. If not interested in that, I used the plugin from Rexrainbow on the forums for getting time and doing the math needed. I think the link to the plugin is on the store page I linked.

    Good luck and have fun!

  • You are a legend! Works great! You definitely earned a Donation from me. I will post a nice little Gif from my game to show off your plugin when I get home from work. Thanks again!

  • Ok here is a quick example of blank layouts I made with new event sheets for both using the exact way in the event sheets you mentioned. Works perfectly fine on the desktop but once I compile for Cordova and build for iOS, I get this random flicker of either the layout I'm leaving or the one I'm entering (seems perfectly fine the first time it leaves the first sheet..). Any kind of ideas or thoughts would be great because this would be incredibly nice for a couple games I got going. Thanks!

  • I apologize, I'm at work so I haven't been able to get a screenshot but I know I just copied the Transition steps you had in your example file. From what I can guess is that, the plugin is working just fine but when switching layouts theres a bit of a laggy reaction between them since the layouts have a decent amount of stuff on them. I had put in a wait for 2 seconds after the transition ended and before it said to go to the next layout and it looks like it goes back to showing the layout you are currently on before going to the one you specify if the device has a bit of delay.

    When I get home I will try and maybe do a black layer that I set to 100 opacity when it finished the transition so maybe when it slows down for a second it could cover up the lag time between.

  • rexrainbow Ah thanks for the clarification.

    I compiled my game for Cordova and built a Xcode file for it and the plugin works but now it will do the transition (Exit), then once it has fully completed the transition Exit, it shows that same layout real quick before it goes to the next layout. So it is almost like a flicker of the same page between transitions. Just wondering if anyone has advice on maybe poorly timed parts to my event sheet or is that something it might have to do with an iOS device. I'll try and get a GIF of what happens so you see what I am saying.

  • Has this been tested on any of the mobile exporters? I just tried it out on a build of my game through CocoonJS launcher and it just starts to a black screen, but works great in my browser. Yes I still use CocoonJS, for some reason it always runs better than any version I try of my game in any of the other exporters

    Past that, this is a great plugin and thanks a bunch!

  • rexrainbow Hey thanks for that Rex, yea I wasn't sure if it was cool to package it if you wanted more traffic to your site. I'll have to try and do that this week. As always, thanks for all the awesome plugins!

  • Heres my example code game on the Store using Rex's plugin

    https://www.scirra.com/store/games-with ... e-game-666

  • This is fantastic, thanks for sharing!

  • Don't dream big right away is my main problem. I come up with a nice idea, get a good foundation then start dreaming of things I can add that makes it way more complicated and then overwhelm myself and end up moving on to something else.

    Make small games first, those end up being the ones people play more than the ones that we pour months on and finally release it with only 2 IAPs over a month...

    Have fun, use plugins, they are great. Etc etc.

  • I have been developing my game for iOS/Android and it stays between 57-60, I use the 960x640 resolution which seems to work pretty well. Although my game isn't super intensive (http://gamejolt.com/games/sports/pixelgolf/36149/) but it's pretty steady on most devices. You need to make sure of the resolution, sizes of the images you are using for sprites, and other silly scripting mistakes.

  • 1) These screenshots are awesome everyone!

    2) Quick question, what do you guys use to get the animated gifs?

    3) Keep up the awesome work everyone!

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  • Looks great Savvy001 ! Looks like you put a lot of effort into it, I will have to try this later today.