PudgyPlatypus's Forum Posts

  • Awesome!

    Ok, so I program in multiple languages but for some reason some of the logic you made is confusing me (I thought I was doing well in Construct2! geez). What exactly is the Max(0,r-dt) doing? I know the dt is delta time and the r is the variable but I'm a bit lost.

  • So I wanted to see if any of you smart people here had any suggestions on doing something:

    Say the game is a tower defense game but the different towers would shoot at different intervals ( 1 tower every .5 seconds, another tower every 1 second)..BUT I want them to be in sync with the timing right from when someone clicks start after putting the towers down.

    So the complication is, this fire rate really isn't using the timing until an object gets into its path THEN starts saying ok, every .5 seconds ill shoot. But then that wont be in sync with one that gets a target in it's sight .7 seconds after the other turret does because THEN it starts saying ok every 1 second I shoot. I don't know if I'm explaining this well but I'm tryin.

    So I guess the question is, how would you guys write the code to make sure the tower's are always on the same timing even when there are no targets available to shoot at?

  • A bit off topic, but my install of Construct 2 through steam won't work for me because it's not the latest version of Construct 2 (I think it was 114). Do I need to manually put the files in that folder for it to use the newest version?

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  • Just a quick question:

    I made a simple game (on the arcade called "FallDown"), which is just a scrolling up and down falling game which works perfectly fine on my desktop. I was curious to try and see how it worked on my iPhone (4s), so I added some hidden buttons on each side of the screen with touch functions to move the ball instead of using the arrow keys. Load it up on my phone and the touch works (super cool how easy it was!), BUT it is painfully laggy (graphic lag) with FPS dropping a lot every few seconds.

    Is it silly for me to expect to get it to work fine on my iPhone without using a plug in or is there some tips to follow to keep the FPS up on the game when running on handhelds? (I was using Chrome)


  • These are absolutely fantastic and would definitely get some. (I just CANT do graphics lol)

  • Hey I was just curious if we get any kind of confirmation on the games we upload to the arcade if they are approved/denied or anything?

  • Ok maybe one other question.

    I made all the sprites global that I would want to pin to the main sprite, i got all the scripting done for pinning the sprites but what is the best approach to show this on a different layout?

    I added a button and it goes to a new layout I made and then creates the main sprite that would have other sprites pinned to it. Is "spawning" a new one not the right way to keep them all together?

  • Very cool, those sound like great suggestions. I will try that, thanks!

  • Hey everyone!

    This is my first post but i have lurked around the forums for about a month now and have to say you guys have a great atmosphere here and I'm glad to be here!

    My question is more of a what would you think would be the best option question.

    Say you have multiple sprites, that can be drag and dropped and then pinned to a main sprite (think a space ship and wings, etc). How would you go about keeping track of this "pinned" together frankenstein sprite/s?

    Like one layout lets you put certain sprites where you want as your ship, then when your done you use that ship to shoot stuff. How would you keep track of where those items were pinned?

    Any kind of suggestions or ideas would be great! Thanks!