PudgyPlatypus's Forum Posts

  • ganich I haven't tried it yet but I'm sure it would be good to save user data for your game or other settings that the user can change. It sounds like a much nicer way than having to deal with local storage functionality and you get a lot more options with this like being able to query the data in the database.

  • j0schi I like what you got so far, I also have been working on a touch golf game (https://www.scirra.com/arcade/sports-ga ... rboards-67 for reference)

    As for the early hitting, I just do a check to see how fast the ball is moving and if it's either not moving or very very slowly rolling I set a variable that says whether or not you can hit the ball. Works nice. Good luck and keep it up!

  • It also has Sprite Lamp which looks like it could be great for some different shades of characters

  • Yes the text object, especially on mobile can hurt performance quite a bit. Start the switch over to Sprite Fonts and you will be much happier!

  • russpuppy I think the main point is that the web socket/nodejs works great but it does take a bit of set up for anyone that wants to host (display the main screen) by having to do all the nodejs set up when the Signalling server just takes connecting to it and that's about it. Although I don't like the having to set up nodejs on a computer on the same network, I still like it more than having to deal with WebRTC and that damn signaling server crap.

    Haven't tried the new version yet but setting up the basics for a multiplayer snake game was pretty damn easy so far on the last version. Thanks for all the hard work!

  • this awesome so far! Really enjoying messing with this and coming up with some fun ideas for it. I have had no problem setting it up at home on my PC with Construct 2 on it using my IP address. But I have had some trouble this morning trying to figure out what to use if I wanted to run it on my work laptop which is a Mac. I have VMware and able to use Construct 2 on there but not sure how to set it up for other computers to run on. I know you mentioned exporting as html, but when I tried that and put them on my Mac it tries to use the whole file//: stuff instead of an IP address. Any kind of suggestions would help a lot!

    Thanks again and keep up the awesome work!

  • After a bit of work with it today, this is a great tool! Since I already had NodeJS installed from the other day of messing with Node, it was super easy to set up. Just a quick note, might want to put a note on your Youtube video for setting it up because it looks like you have made some changes since the video for the URL part and at first I was like huh?

    But after getting it going and messing with it, works great with as minimal amount of delay I think you can get it to. This definitely has some great possibilities for developers! I like that the JS server file seems to do the bare minimum so there isn't any changing the JS for anything.

    Keep up the great work! I will post anything I come up with here if I can get something interesting going.

    Thanks again!

  • Oh I didn't get to looking into this more but didn't realize you needed to send something. I would love whatever you got to send, got most of the weekend to screw around with it. Thanks!

  • this is awesome! I will try and set this up later tonight!

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  • Level Editor Template — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>Fully commented, easy to read and easy to edit!</p>

    • Create levels with a tilemap in game
    • Save level into Local Storage
    • Load levels from Local Storage
    • Test levels with basic platformer sprite
    • List created levels from Local Storage to select created levels

    <p>Try out demo on the Scirra Arcade!</p><p>Feel free to ask questions, give suggestions for updates!</p><p>Please give rating if you enjoy the template!</p>

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Level Editor Template

  • blekdar Been following you on twitter/Tumblr and love the progress!

    snake302 Wow that looks great!

  • Ruskul Yea I'm with you on this one, I came across this the other week trying to make a clone of that One More Dash game, checking to see if one point in my circle is overlapping a point on the target.

    From what I can remember, there was a thread on here somewhere where Ashley answered saying it was more complicated than it sounds to add that functionality. I think some of the better than me developers had posted some other ways of accomplishing it. Sorry I don't have the link at the moment, but I know there is one.

  • Hey ,

    There seems to be a few good ways of doing it to be honest. It really depends on what type of game and if you are going with tilemaps for your levels. I actually just finished up a template I'm waiting for Scirra to approve that will be on the store that shows a simple implementation of doing a tilemap level editor. Here is the demo on the arcade: https://www.scirra.com/arcade/tutorial- ... -store-401

    It really comes down to having to save some JSON values of the tilemap, and referencing it again later either with Local Storage or an external source. I'm working on adding in to the Level Editor, which will use Firebase or Parse to save your levels into a cloud database so then other users can access your levels.

    Either way, good luck on your adventure into level editors!

  • Keep at it man, even if there isn't a lot of replies on your post, something like this could be very useful to A LOT of us. Lookin good!

  • This may sound completely ridiculous but I seriously cannot figure out how to add that nifty Go To Demo button on my Scirra store item description? It would be really nice and I feel like it's really simple and I'm just being silly. Anyone come across this?