I worked in videogame industry for few years now (as Creative Director and Game Designer).
A project using this concept was developped few years ago, using AS3, Orbit and Minko 3D engine.
(you can still test it on http://themirage.fr/)
I'm still surprised that so few company developped project like this!
I think this is the futur! Most people have smartphone today, most of them have a computer, and now Connected TV is the new standard. So if we can create great game people can easily play with friends, using their mobile... Waow!
No more need to have a console or gamer computer ! A simple web browser and a mobile, and let's go !
So beside my job, I started to work on a game design based on this new way to play. Actually it's based on differents boardgames and Roleplay game (like "Earth Reborn" which is sooooo coool, but sooooo long to play in real life !!!).
I really think that this kind of game should be the best project to prototype :
- First, you don't need realtime interactions (like in a plateformer or a FPS), cause you are very dependant to your internet and wifi connexion, device quality and possibility, number of players...
- Second, this kind of game offer a real interest in using multiple screens! I mean create a SNES controller on a mobile is really not creative! You have to look beyond traditionnal video game !
Imagine each player having on his mobile or tablet his character Sheet, inventory, secret information, he can program many actions, interact with the game just by finger draging an objet from his mobile toward the screen, etc...) Be creative !
- Third : these games don't need 3D Engine with highpoly 3D environment running at 60 fps !
2D Artwork and smooth animation is great enough ! And 2D games can run on most browsers !
So your game can be played by more people !
Well... I'm still working on my GDD but I allready have most of the core gameplay design, game mecanisms, UI drafts, etc... For the last few weeks I was looking for differents technical solutions to prototype it, like using WebRTC or Orbit to link the game and the differents device... (I also like in themirage.fr the simple idea of using a QRCode to add a new player! Fast and easy!)
So, I would be VERY VERY interesting in testing your solution !!!! Hope you can add me to your tester list !