PantsSleeve's Forum Posts

  • kingpirux no, too many work hours last year so I've had very little energy for anything other than work, which is really bad for innovation, I will have to do something about that

  • djcrazypants


    sorry for the late reply I've been on vacation. Can you e-mail me on borgenvik.david at so I know where to send the plugin details

  • ZeeshanLakhani I hope you got all you needed and that you were able to start working with the CrowdGaming plugin?

  • cordi kingpirux thank you for sharing your videos! It's awesome! Keep up the good work!

  • there is a heartbeat function, that you can use. Let me see if I can dig up the project. My new job has kept me busy so I haven't had much time of Crowd Gaming lately. I'm thinking that it's probably best to turn this into an open source project so that anyone can keep building on it. I appreciate you taking the time to write to bring my attention back to the project it's always so much easier to motivate spending time on something if you know that people use it

    In the controller:

    In the main game:

    So the controller send a heartbeat every 10s. The main game receives the heartbeat and updates a property on the gamer.

    You can then make a check to see if, the lastHeartbeat is less than wallclocktime - 14s (for example) if true, then delete the gamer.

  • Hi kentbakk it's due to webRTC not being supported on iOS browsers and to be fair you would need a signalingServer even when using the multiplayer plugin, though you can "borrow" Ashley and Toms while developing. If not for lack of webRTC on iOS I would have used the MP-plugin.

  • Khelben my email is borgenvik[dot]david[at]gmail[dot]com

    justifun just awesome!! Watching your game is a great boost!! Great work!!

    I just started a new job about two weeks ago as responsible for the development teams at e-man connect, so if I haven't been responding email as quickly as normally, it's just because I'm spending a lot of time getting into the new stuff. I will try to make a todo-list for the CrowdGaming plugin up until the first public release. So that it will be a bit easier to prioritize. So keep building cools stuff so that I get enough energy boosts to write the todo-list and write some code

  • Khelben Hi and thanks for the feedback! Sure you could build logic so that the person with the X360 controller always controlled a default character and the rest of the characters are controlled by the mobile phones joining. The x360 controller would have better response time and better persision in his controller so it would be some what unfair I guess. But you didn't give away any details so maybe you have thought of this already?

  • Hi redbunny64

    In the event sheet called Common there is a function called, UnlockLevel. To unlock a level you will have to call this function and pass in the level you want to unlock. UnlockLevel("1") will unlock level 1.

    If you look in the Levels layout you can see that each LevelSelector-object has an instance variable called level. This value has to match the name of an actual Layout, and it is also this value that should be used when unlocking levels.

    In the template I have called the levels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ... 48 and I unlock them with UnlockLevel("1") and in the project I have Layouts that match these names, as seen in the World1, World2... directories.

    Good luck with Swipe level selector and please ask again if I'm unclear

  • BTW, The conference was a big success. It could have been more simultaneous players I think 12 was the most I had playing together, but given the smiles and engagement of the players I couldn't be happier with how it went.

    I brought an old netgear wifi router, and asked people to connect to a network I called CrowdGaming, and then asked them to access the ip-adress of the game. I was running everything off the Construct 2 preview mode, since I wanted to be able to show the code and do some fixes during the presentation. The pong game it self was just a quick two hour hack.

  • madpoet Yes it wouldn't be a problem to create a unity3d host. A unity3d plugin script would have to send the same "keywords" as the Construct2 plugin, and listen for the same "keywords" as the plugin does. But the implementation would pretty much the same as in the Construct 2 CrowdGaming-plugin. Using a mix between Construct2 Controllers and Unity for main game should work just fine.

    ErvinGamez Thank you! let me flick that question right back at you, what would you consider a fair and "payable" price?

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  • justifun Thanks!

    When a new player joins it compares the number of players in the teams to decide which team the new player should join.

    I'll make sure I'll upload the capx here after the conference.

  • I'm doing a 1.5h talk at a conference next week about CrowdGaming, construct2 and nodejs. So I figured I'd go back to the roots of gaming and implemented a MassiveCrowdGaming (MCG) version of Pong! Hopefully there will be enough people in the crowd with a mobile phone ready so that we have a huge pong battle going, simple but fun

  • I just found a bug in the "Send heartbeat", "On Heartbeat" part of the crowdgaming plugin. I'll upload a new version, 5.1 this version will also include a new feature called "Storage property". This is like a global storage that is "Shared" between all connections. If one connection or the main game change a storage property it will be pushed out to all the other connections.

    There are three parts to the "Storage property" feature:

    The Action: "Set storage property",

    The Expression: CrowdGaming.GetStorageProperty("CurrentMission")

    The Event On storage property changed

  • justifun ximo Amadeus russpuppy rocky53204 nonom oldandgrey socialpilgrim miketolsa stefanos

    Has anyone had a chance to try out the 4.4.1 release? rocky53204 had problems getting past the "Connecting" screen when starting it up, but I cannot re-create that problem. Is anyone else experiencing any problems?