PudgyPlatypus's Forum Posts

  • Hey rexrainbow what are your thoughts on Firebase v3? I had taken a look at the newer api and it seemed much more complicated which made me sad since it used to be so easy to use.

  • I was creating a C2 version of the open source game Relic Hunter Zero which read from JSON files character attributes which could be changed or added to. Reading from a file will be your best bet for sure, pair it with something like Firebase so there are hosted files that other players can load from and you are golden.

  • *UPDATED original post with where you can find the application and get some new info. Check it out!

  • Royalty Free Game Music Loops — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>Over 30 game music loops to be used in all different types of games. Retro 80s, Downtempo, Electro House, Drum and Bass, Dubstep and more genres.</p><p>Just for reference, this pack is available for free on OpenGameart.org (http://opengameart.org/content/royalty-free-game-music-loops) but if you want to support us and enjoy the pack, you can purchase here for a very cheap price and be able to use the music wherever you want.</p><p>Use in any game wherever you want, no need to credit me but feel free to mention your games to PudgyPlatypus</p>

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Royalty Free Game Music Loops

  • Very nice info, I had meant to try and add PixelGolf to AirConsole but never had the time. Might be worthwhile, didn't know AirConsole was a well visited site, good to know!

  • rexrainbow thats a great addition, thanks again for another great plugin. I will have to try it out this week.

  • Hey there, I had quickly put together an app for my bosses' brother's liquor company (Rumchata) which I used C2 for. Just a basic recipe app that reads info from a SQL server. It ain't beautiful or anything but it runs pretty well : https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/rumchat ... 79731?mt=8

  • Looks real interesting, I will definitely check back when you got it available, thanks!

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • justifun Awesome well I hope it will help. I have the animated gifs to play in the program quite well, I haven't tested swfs but I would imagine they work similar to gifs in a "web viewer". I will try it out and let ya know.

    Sure I will keep you guys on a list and when I have a more solid version I will send ya a link.


  • Renfd That's a good idea, I probably will try and set up a demo version for sure.

    Yea I can't believe how much time I have spent *looking* for assets as opposed to actually using them and making games. If anything, it is nice to have a quick visual look at some of the assets you have because for me I will be like "OH i have this animated character that would work great in X game" when I see the asset but if it is buried away I totally forget about it.

  • **UPDATE**

    V1 of my GameDev Digital Asset Management app for Windows and Mac is now available on Itch.io (soon on C2 store) for 50% off for the first week! Check out the page for better info and newer screenshots: https://pudgyplatypus.itch.io/gamedevdam

    PS: I will message anyone who showed interest here awhile back with some free keys <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

    Hello fellow C2ers!

    Quick background, I have been working with C2 for a couple years now but for my actual job I do database consulting in a platform called Filemaker.

    But let's get to the point, I had realized how annoying it was scrolling through all the great game assets I acquired over the years in my dropbox and would eventually lose files. So out of sheer frustration with my organization skills, I created an Asset Management database app for my game development files.

    If you don't know, Asset Management is a buzzword/term for a program that helps you organize your files (images, videos, audio, etc) and allows for easy searching through those files based on "keywords" or "tags".

    So I built something that was as easy to use as I could make it but enough features to where it was really easy to find my assets I download and/or purchase to use in my games.

    Some quick screenshots(on windows, it works and looks nicer on Mac <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad"> ) - Sorry screenshots are a bit large for the forums:

    List of images

    Quick view of an image

    Detailed view of image

    Easy searching for "track" images I have tagged

    Can play audio files right through the program

    And can store video files

    Can import entire folders of files instead of one at a time

    And a fun little web view of the images that can actively show animated gifs

    And some other features.

    It's getting close to being done and thought I would just put this up here now so I can see if anyone is interested in something like this or some suggestions. I will be selling it but pretty cheap (I think just like 10 bucks but DRM free so install it wherever you want) and will work on Windows and Mac. For anyone REALLY interested I might be up to passing a couple out for free for some feedback/testing, so just comment on here if so.

    With Opengameart.org, Scirra store, gamedev market, and others it is easy to accumulate a lot of great game art but it is also real easy to forget about the files or lose them. This will help you keep everything organized and easy to find and make copies to use in your games!

    Thanks everyone!


  • glerikud

    Hey there! That's a hefty question but I will try and keep it short and sweet.

    In general, I think Construct 2 does a great job of getting into programming/thinking. Like the response above, he feels like some people aren't doing certain techniques just because people aren't talking about it but we most certainly are! Most of us that are using some of the techniques you would see in other languages, are busy and don't post much about it.

    Say the port I'm doing now which is a roguelike shooter (Relic Hunter Zero), I've been trying to be really good with where I am putting my code. Before I was bad at putting Global variables all over in different sheets, but over time with C2 it has slowly taught me to be more organized with code which a lot of other languages I don't get to because I'm too worried about the code not working or the syntax being wrong. I will start writing some functionalities and once I can tell it's getting big, start a new Sheet for specific functionalities (I have a sheet for Controller controls, sheet for Keyboard/Mouse, a sheet for Shooting functions, sheet just for Guns and characters, etc).

    So to stop from going on too much, I think it's a great learning tool and believe you can truly learn some great things working in C2.

    And our community is great!

  • I've been off and on working on a port of Relic Hunter Zero (Gamemaker free game on Steam that is open source). It's really fun working on a game that has all the assets already, the original developers did a great job.

    But once I get it more working I will be posting all the source for it so others can mod it and add weapons/characters, etc.

    Kind of a large gif and it might act weird trying to view it?

  • FraConsole That's awesome, thanks a lot. I will definitely give this a spin when I get home later!

  • Hello everyone!

    I haven't used NWJS as I have just straight HTML exports so I have recently run across an issue.

    I have a small file that I compile into NWJS. After opening it (not preview mode), I set it up to allow me to drag and drop a XML file from my local hard drive which then uses that DroppedFile path in an AJAX call to then load into XML.

    On my PC, it works flawlessly. The file path works and loads into the XML plugin.

    On my Mac, I just get

    GET chrome-extension://ejddneclfgbfbpkjnanlnfdephgigobo/Users/nick/Documents/os…ntents/Versions/47.0.2526.73/nwjs%20Helper.app/Contents/MacOS/original.xml net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND

    when trying to use the DroppedFile path in the AJAX call. Is there something I need to do differently with Mac for this file path to work? For reference, I also have a FileChooser option and selecting that same file from there it loads the AJAX call fine. Only difference is that the call has the blob: in front of it.

    Anyone have quick snap ideas or reasons for the Mac version to act like that?
