Prominent's Forum Posts

  • There are often several different ways to develop specific things in C2. So I think it'd be difficult to find a resource that outlines specifically how to structure every situation you may encounter in your development.

    If I had a resource like that, then I would probably sell it and make money.

    There are some things you grasp along the way though, that most people have to learn- like little quirks with object picking.. like how you can't pick objects that were created in the same tick- but when you create them they are automatically picked. weird stuff like that..

  • Will the store be moving to the new construct website eventually?

  • looks good for first try

  • cool. mechanics work pretty well.

    Maybe you can implement some sliding against the walls. Feels too sticky when you hit against angled walls.

  • Try Construct 3

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    Glad to have helped some, even if it is momentary. Everything will roll on.

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    Well, all perception is selective. We see what we want to see- what we're designed to pursue, etc, for our own interests, etc.. so that we each personally can survive, etc..

    Scirra does encourage discussion and welcome users, etc.. But like you say- if we focus on a specific expectation and make it our only concern, then we base all our judgement on the actions/reactions of those specific concerns.

    That's natural though, because if we are interested in something, it's necessary to try and grasp it at different angles and dimensions so that you get a fuller picture of the situation..

    With multiple users/people interacting, you get a lot of noise and repetitive messages, because we all are perceiving our selective ways and so there's a lot of overlap if you're trying to listen to it all..

    Frustration is just a natural result because all action is exhaustive to a certain extent, but we grow from it after we have time to reflect on what happened, do repairs to our mind and repairs to our hurt feelings, etc..

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    look at that I'm not talking about the newbie, but of people with thousands of reputation points, users of the forum for years, who have the same attitude of the troll here (which in fact is just a fake account of one of those there to complain that it is satisfaction was denied ..)

    I guess it can be up for debate what such and such is or isn't, etc.. Everyone tends to progress at differing speeds because we all split our time up differently and have differing mental dynamics, etc.

    For example, a person could have been developing games for 5 years, but they may have similar grasp of someone who spent 8 years.

    I personally have been developing games and such for 20+ or so years. GUESS WHAT- I'm still learning! I still make mistakes!

    So, expectations can often give you a tainted/filtered view on reality. You relative understanding may not be completely accurate, and that is why we all argue and discuss and wrestle with each other's minds. It's fun once you get over your self a bit, and beyond the expectations, etc..

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    > RetroInsight, if rep mattered as much as you imply then you would know better. If you cannot keep it civil, please do not reply. This is meant to be a serious discussion, if you cannot handle that then scroll on.


    get in your head that the perfect gamedev-tool does not exist, if you are not even able to isolate and report a simple bug in a civil and constructive way, but you are only good to provoke the patience of scirra developers and forum moderators and to discredit Construct in general, what else do you expect?

    indeed for what I saw around there is too much patience from part of the staff against many dull and clumsy people, fundamentally evil people.

    I too as a simple user I'm tired of reading these complaints on the forum, so I'm close to zenox98 that have my full solidarity.

    and I ask directly to Tom and Ashley that, if it were possible, adopt an even more rigid lines in the forum rules.

    we want to read threads of people who develop games not of people who claim the impossible when they are not even able to tie their shoes.

    Your comments are rather humorous, considering Construct seems aimed towards people uneducated in developing games, or younger people who want to get into gamedev. Construct seems to want to make games easy to make, and it does.. It should be no surprise that it would attract younger people who haven't been taught patience and all the other socially accepted things.

    I'm basically pointing out how your response makes you appear like you lack empathy.

    You can't expect everyone to be mature and act like adults in this community. So we ought to serve as good examples and be openminded about others.

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    Repetitiveness isn't a bad thing.

    Everyone is at a different stage in life and so we're all bound to be repetitive since we haven't experienced what others have experienced. Everything shares similarities, and we often overlook details that others might notice or we might notice details in different ways than others might even though their are the same or similar.

    It's not really about being empowered, though that might be a side-effect. We're just bound to the nature of everything and have uncontrollable aspects in ourselves as well as aspects we believe we have control over.

    Repetitiveness actually is very useful as it helps us hone in on what is actually happening or bound to happen. If we shy away from ourselves then we often become more confused, since we'd have nothing to relate to.

    Obviously, we don't have to listen to others or give others a place to be noisy- people can find other places to go, etc. But there was a pattern in place for their behavior and they became accustomed to a location where they felt they belonged, it should be no surprise the reactions if everything is repetitive and predictable. So who is really understanding? It's all relative isn't it. Maybe nothing matters.

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    Just figured I'd say something a little different, since a lot of these sort of discussions are a product of similar behavior.. similar actions.. similar reactions.

    I've realized that people generally follow an order because it allows themselves a sense of continuance or reliable way to believe in what they think they are.

    Also, most people are shaped to act specific ways based on expectations others place on them. So a lot of time, people might believe they have to satisfy other people's expectations and live up to them, etc. When people don't it can cause distress in the traditions, etc, because it creates a sense that things aren't following along or continuing in a predictable manner.

    I think most people have expectations about various things, and these preconceptions often determine how we choose to define ourselves or try to define others, etc..

    Now, considering construct, there are a lot of people focused on it and wrap a significant portion of their life around it. So there will be a pattern that develops and people will want predictability and reliability. Also each person has their own expectations and needs/desires, etc.. and they'll chase those regardless of the desires of others, etc..

    If you're in charge of a large community, all of the differing opinions essentially become noise, and it might be difficult to really listen to it precisely. I think that is what creates frustration for some people using construct and trying to engage in discussion, because everyone wants to be heard(why speak if you don't expect a response?).. And often most people don't see a broader picture because they've been following their own patterns and direction.

    So scirra can censor, sure.. We all censor each other in our own ways when we don't want to respond or take part in discussion, etc, or when we disagree, we may try to change other people's opinions by arguing, etc.. That's part of discussing etc.. I think it is fine, and something people eventually learn to accept. It maybe be unfortunate though in some cases, as everything has reactions/consequences. I particularly believe, it'd better to just let people discuss stuff, otherwise they'll just go discuss somewhere else and worse feelings can develop, etc. We're all just results of our conditioning in our minds, etc, and at the mercy of our physiology usually..

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    It's all just patterns in the mind.

    Everyone is following their own direction- figuring their reality out. Making connections/disconnections, to produce sense of something/nothing..

    Things are never one sided, but we all forced to believe in one way or another.

  • Since you are asking for criticism, I'll give you my take.

    Just so you know, I do a lot of art, and have a good sense of what is aesthetically pleasing.

    Your graphics appear to have a quality that looks like "clipart." All the shapes and shading are very bland and the composition feels very random or messy because you have various shapes overlapping in various ways so there is no underlying sense of structure anywhere. This can be very difficult to describe to people who don't understand art or lack experience with it.

    It's really difficult to make art look good, because an artist goes through a process of developing a style, which is basically a set of rules or patterns they follow when conceptualizing all the details in an image. These rules/patterns of behavior are developed over years and create their own personalized aesthetic. It is a way of unifying the whole image and provides that sense of harmony/balance..

    For people who aren't as artistic, they lack that ability to maintain their personalized aesthetic(they lack that control you get through training/exercise), so the untrained are more messy and produce results that aren't as aesthetically sound or whole- it appears more random and unstable.

    Hope this helps. I think the main thing you can do to improve your artistic ability, is trying to maintain a structure or sense of rules or aesthetic.. basically try to find a simplified style, and balance that through the whole game- create harmony out of a simplified aesthetic.. It is possible to make simple things looks good if you make it appear like you have more control over it.

  • I've grown suspicious of sketchfab since I noticed they do a lot of pushing to get their api into other people's software- which I interpret as a marketing strategy.

    They've engaged me in the past to put their api into my software, and I noticed today Godot just recently added some sketchfab api into theirs.

    So.. I don't know what to make of it. That sort of stuff tends to turn me off.

  • One option is to animate the different parts in a traditional way, and then destroy them and then spawn separate sprites with physics on them. Or have their physics disabled and then enable the physics when they should fall off.

    You don't have to try and do everything all at once with physics and fight with the simulation, etc. Usually simpler stuff is better if it gets you further along.

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    Ashley, I wasn't focusing on any specific rule in particular, nor did I have in mind any specific rule when I wrote my post. I was simply giving my thoughts on aspects related to moderating a community and what I have noticed in communities I've been a part of in the past.

    I was speaking generally about rules as a whole, not necessarily what the rules are.

    This brings up another point though, regarding interpretation, and how words can be misconstrued. I'm not sure if I need to go into that subject though, as then it becomes an issue of which interpretation is more relevant or appropriate, etc.. And everyone has different viewpoints on that.

    Without knowing your situation you mentioned, I can only judge based on my interpretation and understanding from what I experience personally. I can only assume that since you put yourself in front of so many people, you're more likely to be targeted by others in various different ways because everyone has different mental states. Do whatever you need to do to control your own sanity though- I just hope it serves good example.

    I think that's the main thing I was getting at in my post- that there will always be a preconceived notion of superiority due to the few in charge over the vast collective- and how you behave will always be scrutinized in detail because everyone's attention is funneled towards your way since you sit at the top. I'm not saying you're doing anything wrong- I'm just sharing my experience and viewpoint.