Prominent's Forum Posts

  • Nice! I'll have to read through that. I read a little, and I'm already feeling like I should have worked harder in math classes- the mathematical notation stuff usually found in wiki pages is something I don't have have good grasp of interpreting.

  • wow, that's amazing!

    I'm definitely going to have to look more closely at this when I have the time. I really appreciate barebone stuff like this since it usually makes things more understandable as to what is exactly going on.

  • They probably have most their attention on C3, so maybe that's the case. More reason to be very precise with bug reporting to make it easy for them to consider fixing stuff- they probably don't want to dig around in old code and figure stuff out if they have new things to work on.

  • BUT it took around 2 years for it to be allowed for Wii U so maybe in around a year or under they'll add it (if we're really lucky)

    ..and then in another year another console will come out and the process will repeat.

  • try:

    overlap1 or overlap2


    ->overlap3 or overlap4


    where the -> character signifies a nested sub event.

  • If it's anything special, it will be copied at some point.

    It might even be created without you sharing the idea. I've had ideas in the past that were unique and never shared, and other games came along with the ideas. People generally all have similar thoughts. Because of this, there can be a lot of patterns to everything- and ways people mimick/copy others.

    I choose to think that my creativity is good enough that I can continue having unique ideas when old ideas become less unique, etc..

    Still, I keep some stuff to myself if I have some fondness for it and know it is high up on unique scale.

    So if you are really fond of your idea, and think it is really unique, keep it to yourself. Maybe gain some experience on a less unique project you can share and carry over what you learnt for your more important projects.

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  • okay this works for multiple text inputs with same IDs

    "$('[id=""number""]').on('keydown', function(event) { 
     }else if(event.which==40){
  • actually it doesn't work completely since it gets the id, and only selects one of the elements.

  • Okay, I solved my problem:

    I wanted to press up and down to adjust textbox values for numbers, and when setting the value it wouldn't trigger events.

    I needed to add "this.oninput()" which triggers the on change events.

    using execjs

    "$(document.getElementById('number')).on('keydown', function(event) { 
     }else if(event.which==40){
  • The actions you are running for on text changed event, add them to the set text event.


    That is not possible in my case.

    I'm looking for a way to trigger the event.

  • How do I trigger On text changed when I set input box's text via events?

    When I type in the box, it triggers, but when I set the text via events, it doesn't..

    how do I trigger it?

  • That depends on what you're trying to accomplish.

    If you set an object's global property to Yes, that object type won't be destroyed when a layout changes. So in that case, it should keep the same uid when the layout changes.

    You can also retrieve the Uid of any picked objects at any time, so if you need to find a uid of an object to create a joint with, you'd pick it via some conditions first, and then use it's uid expression such as Spritename.uid

  • did you change any events between tests?

  • this video shows all the chipmunk joint types:

    when you add a joint, there are various properties you set, mainly where the joint positions are located.

    You can choose between various ways to input the positions, such as:

    Layout- which will take a position in the layout.

    Rect- which is a relative position to the object (for example; x=5 would be 5 pixels right of object origin, and y=10 would be 10 pixels below object origin).

    Polar- which is an angle and distance from an object's origin point (so an angle of 270 point up, and distance 10 would be 10 pixels up from object's origin point).

    Imagepoint- which is a current position of an imagepoint on the object (the second parameter would not get used in this case; only the first parameter which is set to an imagepoint index number).

    Some joints require a different number of parameters to be set based on the type of joint it is.

    You would add the action to one object, and then supply the UID of the other object it is connecting to in the parameters.

    There is also a Tag property that can be set so that you can use other useful expressions after creating the joints. The tag is basically a unique name for the joint. You supply this tag in expressions to retrieve properties of the joint after it is created. So you can destroy joints with tag "uniquename" for example, or return the joint type, or the current anchor position, etc..

    there's a lot of info in the behavior thread: