
    look at that I'm not talking about the newbie, but of people with thousands of reputation points, users of the forum for years, who have the same attitude of the troll here (which in fact is just a fake account of one of those there to complain that it is satisfaction was denied ..)

    I guess it can be up for debate what such and such is or isn't, etc.. Everyone tends to progress at differing speeds because we all split our time up differently and have differing mental dynamics, etc.

    For example, a person could have been developing games for 5 years, but they may have similar grasp of someone who spent 8 years.

    I personally have been developing games and such for 20+ or so years. GUESS WHAT- I'm still learning! I still make mistakes!

    So, expectations can often give you a tainted/filtered view on reality. You relative understanding may not be completely accurate, and that is why we all argue and discuss and wrestle with each other's minds. It's fun once you get over your self a bit, and beyond the expectations, etc..

    Prominent, you make a very good point about expectations. Using other tools have built up a certain expectation. I expect, a company that makes a game develop tool would want to welcome users, encourage them to openly discuss, and would want to try and retain users. Instead, I am seeing the opposite happen. This goes against my expectations and is a hard pill to swallow.

    Well, all perception is selective. We see what we want to see- what we're designed to pursue, etc, for our own interests, etc.. so that we each personally can survive, etc..

    Scirra does encourage discussion and welcome users, etc.. But like you say- if we focus on a specific expectation and make it our only concern, then we base all our judgement on the actions/reactions of those specific concerns.

    That's natural though, because if we are interested in something, it's necessary to try and grasp it at different angles and dimensions so that you get a fuller picture of the situation..

    With multiple users/people interacting, you get a lot of noise and repetitive messages, because we all are perceiving our selective ways and so there's a lot of overlap if you're trying to listen to it all..

    Frustration is just a natural result because all action is exhaustive to a certain extent, but we grow from it after we have time to reflect on what happened, do repairs to our mind and repairs to our hurt feelings, etc..

    Prominent, you are the man. You have changed my outlook. As much as I would love the answer to my question, your thoughts have been insightful.

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    Well, all perception is selective. We see what we want to see- what we're designed to pursue, etc, for our own interests, etc.. so that we each personally can survive, etc..

    Scirra does encourage discussion and welcome users, etc.. But like you say- if we focus on a specific expectation and make it our only concern, then we base all our judgement on the actions/reactions of those specific concerns.

    That's natural though, because if we are interested in something, it's necessary to try and grasp it at different angles and dimensions so that you get a fuller picture of the situation..

    With multiple users/people interacting, you get a lot of noise and repetitive messages, because we all are perceiving our selective ways and so there's a lot of overlap if you're trying to listen to it all..

    Frustration is just a natural result because all action is exhaustive to a certain extent, but we grow from it after we have time to reflect on what happened, do repairs to our mind and repairs to our hurt feelings, etc..

    I'll have what he's having...

    Glad to have helped some, even if it is momentary. Everything will roll on.

    Hey, there's some really mean things being said here about people who get upset with Construct.

    It's not like they're right or anything, but with Construct 3 everyone will have much better performance, so things are moving in a positive direction.

    Hey, there's some really mean things being said here about people who get upset with Construct.

    It's not like seaven-studio.com/bringing-the-next-penelope-to-switch/:28fbmpo7]they're[/url] right or [url=https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/causalbitgames/battle-princess-madelyn anything, but with Construct 3 everyone will have much better performance, so things are moving in a positive direction. > Yes. Quite hostile.

    This thread appears to have run its course, especially with the removal of the original post, so locking.

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