therealjack's Forum Posts

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    > > Construct 3 is really useless without firebase plugins... can anyone port / create firebase_leaderboard and firebase_realtime database plugins?

    > >

    > > I will $$ pay for that.

    > >

    > How much?


    I have no idea how much time it takes to convert those plugins so my estimate would be crafted from thin air

    What about 50$ per plugin? I need Leaderboard asap, item table later.

    PM me if you are looking for someone to convert plugins.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads

    Hey, there's some really mean things being said here about people who get upset with Construct.

    It's not like]they're[/url] right or [url= anything, but with Construct 3 everyone will have much better performance, so things are moving in a positive direction. > Yes. Quite hostile.

    Prominent, you are the man. You have changed my outlook. As much as I would love the answer to my question, your thoughts have been insightful.

    Prominent, you make a very good point about expectations. Using other tools have built up a certain expectation. I expect, a company that makes a game develop tool would want to welcome users, encourage them to openly discuss, and would want to try and retain users. Instead, I am seeing the opposite happen. This goes against my expectations and is a hard pill to swallow.

    RetroInsight, if you cannot be civilized, please stop commenting. There is no need for name calling.

    Prominent, I found your comments very insightful. Do you have a blog, i'd love to read more of your thoughts.

    zenox98, thank you for your input.

    Prominent, woah. That is really deep. But I am afraid I do not understand it completely. Could you elaborate?

    RetroInsight, if rep mattered as much as you imply then you would know better. If you cannot keep it civil, please do not reply. This is meant to be a serious discussion, if you cannot handle that then scroll on.

  • Construct 3 is really useless without firebase plugins... can anyone port / create firebase_leaderboard and firebase_realtime database plugins?

    I will $$ pay for that.

    How much?


    Prominent has inspired me to not care about this issue. MODS feel free to delete this.

  • I signed up just to comment. As someone who was looking at Construct as a viable solution to make mobile games, this price increase did not drive me to buy C3. It actually drove me away from C3 and Construct completely.

    If you think about it for a second, if a company is willing to increase the price of a product no longer getting features that is already full of bugs according to the bug reports then it is only a matter of time before they jack up the price of C3.

    With the announcement of the new C3 runtime, you bet the subscription cost is going up in the near future.

    A very shady tactic. It is encouraging alright, encouraging people to go with alternatives.

  • 10 posts