Prominent's Forum Posts

  • Why have this forum section if Scirra doesn't use it?

  • Another week has gone by with my store items held hostage.

    They're stuck in bundles that were created in 2014, and I can't remove the items because someone has those bundles active.

    Why are my store items held hostage?

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    I pretty much agree with Havok. I tried Godot out for a bit- followed some tutorials and I can say that you definitely need to have a bit more advanced knowledge than compared to what you would need when using Construct. There's a definite lack of resources for Godot or at least the way they present those resources are not friendly to people who are clueless about more technical aspects of game development. So I can't recommend it as an alternative because the learning curve and workflow is too drastically different. It does appear to be a really great tool, but not for the type of user base that construct has.

    Also in my opinion, C2 is a greater value than C3 at the moment considering I'm only targeting the pc market and I don't see how C3 improves any of that.

    If I was a new potential customer for Scirra, I'd also be suspicious of C2 now that C3 is here, so I understand that concern. The question of how much support for C2 there will be now would probably steer me another direction.

    To be honest, I will be looking at Fusion whenever that is available because there are various issues I have with the Construct editor/architecture that I am convinced won't be changed or improved.

    That said, I'm sticking with C2 for now, because it is the best option I have currently.

  • same for me.. I posted about it too, but I guess they don't read this section or they don't have an answer/solution?

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    Thanks Tom, that is good to hear that there are 3 dedicated to developing the tool.

    As for the impulse data- do you have data about individuals that leave for several months, like 6 months, and then return?

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    Tom, It just seems odd that you would use those points in response to the question of how to retain users considering the change to a subscription model. A subscription model might allow you to handle those points, but were the lack of those things the reasons people were not retained with C2- I don't believe they are.

    When I speak of retention, I am considering the people who chose not to continue using the product, because if you want to address how to retain more that seems like an important part of the equation.

    What evidence do you have that shows that people want to pay Scirra for official game assets/tutorials/gamejams? My understanding is that people want to pay Scirra for a game editor that allows them to make games. I want to be confident that my money is going towards that- not assets that I don't need or gamejams that I won't participate in.

    I'm just trying to get a point across here- about how these choices appear to distance people from ever wanting to return.

    I'm even more concerned now, based on your response- because I now feel like Scirra is focusing on other things outside the scope of developing a game making tool. It makes me feel less confident in where you are heading.

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    [quote:3sj5jcf0]Better learning resources would be what? Their are already plenty of people providing tutorials as well as responding to questions users have. What would you consider a better resource than this?

    Better tutorial/manual systems, better language capabilities. More official tutorials. etc.

    [quote:3sj5jcf0]Better community engagement? There is already a very active community of users- how do you plan to force people to engage more than they already are- seems like you'd have to somehow give them more time to do it, or make it easier

    You misunderstand me, I mean we engage better. One example would might be a regular schedule of game jams and competitions. Ashley's already making progress in better engagement with a proper suggestions platform as another example.

    [quote:3sj5jcf0]Free asset packs and game templates.. Users already make these, so I don't see how this improves anything for C3.

    People love the 3 games we've included with Construct 3 so far (there's another on the way).

    [quote:3sj5jcf0]but users would rather pay someone to make exactly what they need personally instead of have to rely on assets that are general and for use by anyone

    Sounds like that's what you want, not what users generally want.

    Note I used the word "better". We can always improve in all these areas. I don't really understand what you don't get about that?

    But you said these are to help with retention- how does all this help with retention? How do these make people feel more inclined to subscribe?

    The other languages might introduce it to more people, but that doesn't address retention.

    I don't think a lack of game jams is a reason why people stopped using C2. In fact, when there were any, there was a lot of criticism the community had over it.

    People may have loved the 3 games you included, but how does that help retention?

    If you ask a person whether they want custom assets for their game that fit specifically for their use or a copy of assets everyone else is using, people will choose the custom ones because they suit their game more closely.

    Sure it is nice to have some assets to use if you don't have any, but there are a ton of resources online that already provide them, so I don't see how this helps improve retention compared to C2.

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    Tom, I don't really understand how those would help retention for C3 more than C2 considering you have those already; Better learning resources would be what? Their are already plenty of people providing tutorials as well as responding to questions users have. What would you consider a better resource than this?

    Better community engagement? There is already a very active community of users- how do you plan to force people to engage more than they already are- seems like you'd have to somehow give them more time to do it, or make it easier, but I don't see how this is possible to do in any significant fashion, unless you plan to have some live support system, but I'm skeptical of whether that would have a substantial effect.

    Free asset packs and game templates.. Users already make these, so I don't see how this improves anything for C3. You might say that the subscription helps you make official asset packs, but users would rather pay someone to make exactly what they need personally instead of have to rely on assets that are general and for use by anyone, causing all games to look the same.

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    [quote:3vafh3hx] I don't think these users will be entirely trusting to dish out $100 for the first year without first testing it adequately, and from my impression the free version is very limited

    We were surprised when we looked at our data at how many impulse purchases we see for Construct 2 (people who seem to buy and only use for a short period of time).

    So what will you do to curb this pattern? For these users, the subscription is more incentive to never return after having fallen off the wagon for a while. I know that in the beginning of my use of C2, I spent long periods without using C2, and in the case of C3 I would feel penalized for life's unpredictability.

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    I mentioned this in the past, and I think it is worth mentioning again since nobody seems to talk about it.. The majority of new users won't spend the entirety of the year using Construct3. They will probably only use it a few months until either a couple things happen; they become tired or frustrated with their game/project, they become distracted by other things in life. There will be several months where they don't use it at all. Several months where they can't make what they want because they need to learn how to use the editor properly, and still it will take several months/years to do things optimally if they even understand how to manage a project effectively at that point. At the end of their first year subscription, I don't see these people resubscribing. But maybe in Scirra's eyes at least they paid for one. However, I don't think these users will be entirely trusting to dish out $100 for the first year without first testing it adequately, and from my impression the free version is very limited. Sure, they could use C2 instead to get a feel, but generally speaking people want to use the latest version and probably won't even consider using C2 if they see that there is C3 which is being touted as being better.

    So I understand why Scirra wouldn't want to allow monthly subscriptions for new users, because that gives those users a way out if they aren't satisfied after the first month or two- which is a realistic expectation I have considering my own experiences in the beginning. I just don't see how this model helps retain users. It just seems like it will push away people in my opinion.

    At least with models where you pay once, you receive software you can use at your convenience and can work at your own pace regardless of whether you take several months off you don't feel penalized for it.

    Scirra can argue that the reliance on browsers forces having to do maintenance, etc, and charging for keeping everything working with the changing browser vendors. Will these users understand that? I doubt this is something they would consider in their purchase (probably not the primary consideration), and if anything it might be more of a deterrent if they do because they'd realize that things can change whenever a browser updates.

    But maybe that will improve over time? If it does then why the subscription model? If it improves, then maintenance will become lighter for Scirra. The subscription kind of gives the impression that the stability will never improve.

  • I received the same emails too. Says " was recently put back on sale as the payment for the exclusive version was refunded."

    I got this email for all my items even though they don't have exclusives.

  • Ah! yeah, I just found that too! sorry for the confusion.

    Thanks! works for me now

  • Well, the issue I have is that the Trigger occurs outside the flow of the eventsheet, so I can't get the path immediately in the necessary position of the eventsheet when it is called to calculate the path.

    So if I have a condition that is met to create the path, I have to restart that flow of logic elsewhere, while other events get ran in the interim.

    Using wait doesn't solve the problem, as that delays receiving the path to the next tick, causing the need to use confusing or complicated event management which causes event entanglement.

    So I think having the option to synchronously calculate the path would be a great addition to the behavior. What I am doing isn't cpu intensive, as I am not performing it every tick, I just need the immediacy.

  • Is there a way to use this without the "on path found" Trigger?

    I tried setting the the iterations to -1, forcing the path calculation, but the path doesn't become available until later. I need to be able to get the path synchronously.

  • Feels like my store items are being held hostage.. There's no time specified on the bundles as to when they finish. Also when I change the items so that they can't be bundled, it remains bundled..

    Why no explanation?