procrastinator's Forum Posts

  • sold: hahah yeah I'm the same as you but seriously.. and I know it's been said many many many times but if I can do it, anyone can. I didn't properly understand sin / cos / tan / asin / acos / atan until I set about this. I knew sin / cos obviously to create circles etc but I didn't understand them. The only thing I remember being told was SOH CAH TOA and that certainly came in handy.

    mort: New version coming soon. Tidying it up and trying to put it into functions so you can just CreateShadowCircle(x,y,radius) and DrawShadowCircle(x,y) and create as many circles as you like. I'm not sure about ellipses just yet. I think that'll need some extra figuring out But before all that I need to fix the shadow so it clips at the edges of the display and doesn't leave a huge gap when the lightsource is too close.

  • I figured after seeing your post, I'd challenge myself to see if I could do it and learn some maths in the process. I gained some trig knowledge and a headache to boot! You math geniuses will probably be shocked at the way I went about it so go easy on a math noob!

    Anyway my initial test with an ellipse didn't work so I'll look into that tomorrow. The shadow is a distortion map btw.

    There are some obvious visual issues but I think you could probably tweak it or I may do tomorrow if I get the time.

  • Yeah swapping the other way round would be a nightmare since you'd have to work out what to do with the multiple items you've replaced by the sword. I'll finish off my crappy shooter thing today and then set about this and see if I have better luck this time around. Would be good to see David finish at the same time and people could see 2 different methods of doing it. Mine will be the messier one by far

  • same here, lazy as a *** this quazi is.

    but thankfully my inteliigence makes up for my extreme lazyness, as is the case with most artist type ppl. we lounge around procrastinating (hehe) and when we finally finish weve done what the average person would have completed in a week, but just at the last minute. amiright???

    How do you know me so well??

  • Bad experiences with artists eh? We're not all like that Although I am lazy....

  • I made a start on one that was going to allow that. Also, something like a sword could take up 6 squares and if you replaced it with something that took up 4, it'd be an automatic switch over. At least that's what I had in mind but it's not as easy as it sounds. Might have another go at the weekend.

  • argh I got just over 20,000 but it didn't save the hiscore! My arms hurt like hell! haha

    This version is sweet.. it makes you work for those points from the start. If memory serves, the players bullets would wrap around the sides too in the original. That might help ease the difficulty at least!

  • Upload your .CAP file and I'll take a look.

  • A layout is one screen of your game. Think of layouts like pages of a book. You would have one for the titlescreen and menu. One for the game itself (which may have many more layouts for different levels). And probably other layouts for credits screen, hiscores, etc. Layouts can contain multiple layers.

    Layers... think of these as tracing paper. They're useful for seperating your objects. For example, you could have a background layer (far away hills etc) and a foreground layer (some buildings). The foreground layer would sit on top of the background layer so you can see the background through any holes in the foreground. You could control these layers to scroll at different speeds giving the illusion of depth.

    Since you're just beginning you only need to worry about 1 layer for now... and really... just one layout too.

  • Nice I knew to keep away from the shader stuff but I didn't think it'd slow things down that much. After all it was only a few particles here and there. Mind you for that glow shader, you have to add the blur horizontal shader then blur vertical before you can use it. So 3 shaders in total... I guess that's why!

  • Here's a new version with the effects taken off and a better use for the asteroids ... errain.cap

  • Fixed it! The image editor still opened but the canvas was blank and as soon as the mouse moved over the canvas area it crashed. I noticed after a while that I could move the mouse over anywhere except the canvas so I did so and selected a tool icon (the brush) and the canvas came back. All is well now! Phew!

    So if anyone else experiences the same thing, try that.

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  • I think I put my name as "proc" or "lazysod"

    Yeah I just couldn't see my name there and the blank scores had no score assigned. Maybe something corrupted on its way back to me or something.

  • Was toying around with things earlier and had a video driver crash... graphics card overheating. I kept getting error messages stating no texture to render to etc before it crashed. I restarted it and it crashed upon opening the image editor.

    This is the error I get when it bombs out:


    Runtime Error!

    Program: C:\Program Files...\Scirra\Construct\Construct.exe


    • pure virtual function call


    So I rebooted and it still crashes when I open the image editor. I've uninstalled and reinstalled 98.7 but still no go. Any ideas how to fix it?

  • Quite a nice little game man! Almost authentic apart from what deadeye pointed out. Also, there seems to be a problem with the hiscore table. Some blank scores etc. Also, might be a good idea to have the hiscores selectable from the main screen?