procrastinator's Forum Posts

  • If you mean to show even just a bit of the item that's in the display area but the rest cutoff, then you'd be looking at masking (EFFECTS - the manual should help with that).

    Otherwise, just don't show / create the items that aren't within the popup's display. For this you'll need arrays.

  • Been hammering away at Sheepi..

  • digitalsoapbox Yeah I only seen the first season I think. I was impressed by the simplicity of the style. I always admire **** I cannot seem to do - I'm a sucker for detailing sh*t to the max ;p

    Your style is more Samurai Jack than Roadrunner backgrounds now that you brought SJ up

  • Michaelb very true that!

    I do plan to publish, but not sure which way I'll go with it (ads, premium.. etc etc). That's a constant thought for me... ;p

    Been silent on the forums because I've been working on getting this to a standard where there are no bugs and gameplay is balanced enough. Quite a big update really - coming shortly. Also, polished the graphics some, changed the scoring mechanic (if you were frustrated with the one before - collect a star for a point - you'll be even more frustrated (in a fun way I hope) with this one ;p). It's not that the game is hard, but it is still quite hard to get 3+ points ;})

    I wasn't really prepared for the bug ridden aftermath that came with each big change...

  • digitalsoapbox yep I'm aware of those animators ;p

    But yeah, Samurai Jack! That's probably what I was thinking of but only seen a few eps of that and waaay more Roadrunner from childhood so...

  • Work out how many hours you spent on it and how much an hour of your time is worth. Multiply those together and you have a base price to work with. Now that you have a base price, find out your client's budget and go from there. Most clients will tell you how much they can spend.

  • I recognise your art style from the indiegamer forums (I think it was from there anyway). You've improved a lot. Wasteland one is awesome.

  • Have an idea. Throw a prototype together to see if the mechanics work. Then ideas usually just spawn from playing the prototype. At least that's how it works for me.

  • Yep, it's all about the money.

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  • I just posted the capx to my game.. pretty much complete but just needs a hiscore, polished graphics, sounds, music and some more levels It's probably not the best way to do a game though, but to learn level design, it helped me..

    It might be useful for you in some way.. I dunno

  • Simple for me... an apocalyptic game like Stalker but with more survival and stealth for sneaking around (ala Far Cry1).

  • As mentioned, BUGS! Especially when you're "in the zone" and some stupid twathead of a bug presents itself. Then your creativity is drained away every half hour spent trying to find it. Then you find it's the most idiotic thing ever. Like you left in some debug code that changes a variable every tick yet you're left wondering wtf that variable that you're setting elsewhere isn't working the way it should! Thank god for debug mode though or I'd have spent 5 times as long finding them..

    Menus yeah, they can be boring to implement, but depends what you're doing with them. You can make them like any other part of the game and animate them, flashy effects and so on. They're probably boring to do because you're making them boring ;p You're being creative with the rest of the game... why not with the menus too?

    I think for me though, it's feature creep. No matter how hard I resist or do small docs with my ideas.. it always seems to make my dev time much longer. Even if I've set in stone what the game is going to have and what it's not, I'll always think of new ideas that I just HAVE to put in.. ;p

    EDIT> How could I forget this..... I f*cking HATE all the different device hardware, screen sizes / resolutions.. then there's browser quirks... If I had one wish, I'd wish for 3 more, and use one of those to wish that every damn device and browser worked the same way!

  • Kids love things loud so I doubt a volume control will matter hahah

  • THE GAME: ... index.html

    THE CAPX: ... _0423.capx

    So... I didn't have the internet from December 2013 until earlier this month. So as you can imagine, boredom set in, and to keep myself sane, I worked on this during the month of April. I'd managed to get to my bro's and use his internet for an hour or so and downloaded the C2 update that had the tilemap plugin implemented. So I got home and started messing around with it, but having no docs, I was going at it blind but I learned a lot.. probably the hard way, but it probably meant it sunk in more.

    Earlier I was going through my old stuff and found this and realised I'll never finish it. So I present to you the capx. I learned a lot from doing it, and I hope it's useful for someone. Comments are there but were mostly for myself to remind me what did what. I usually don't comment when doing prototypes.. too lazy ;p I'm actually surprised that the code is that tidy actually, as I'm usually pretty lazy with that too.

    There are 2 fully designed challenging levels. Play it enough and you'll know what to do and how to do it, but you'll need a good memory to know where stuff is (best played with keyboard btw). And yes, fatboy does indeed hover over boulders when he should in fact be behind them, and that was deliberate to show the player they COULD collide with the boulders AFTER they passed them a little <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink"> I tried it with fatboy being behind the boulders and it just didn't feel the same..

    A brief explanation of the methods used to display the levels... I seem to recall loading in a json file I'd exported from PyxelEdit (I think) in the beginning, but soon realised that wasn't really an efficient way to design and test levels, so I used the tilemap object to visually design levels within C2. I started to find limitations when I wanted tiles to animate but the plugin didn't have that functionality. So I used an array to load the level from the tilemap and then spawned the tiles dynamically from sprite objects.. animation of tiles was sorted. I put each tilemap'd level onto their own layer so I could easily edit each level separately. There are a few things in the events that I can't recall why I did them that way but ah well.. .it worked ;p

    Uses LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys (which is best if you really want to master the levels). I implemented touch without having a device to test on at the time, but thought.. just in case.. but honestly, it doesn't work that well now that I've tested it on my samsung galaxy. Don't know if it's me, but I can't tap the screen faster than I can tap the keyboard ;p

    Oh and I'd just started on the hiscores at the time of abandoning it, but never got much further than creating the layout and ON START OF LAYOUT event... ;p and yes, some things are still very rough *cough the immi text warning cough*

    Also, the name changed as you'll see on the main menu ;p It went through quite a few name changes actually, but thought Fatty Fast Food was better.. and less offensive.. ;p and since fast food is fattening, it just seemed to fit.

    jeez... I can ramble a bit....

  • Ugh nope. Still hard as hell. I WILL beat that mofo! Think I'm getting a strategy going