porky's Forum Posts

  • have you guys tried Sprinter object? it seems still broken:(

  • 1.3 out on iOS! go update it;)

  • Thanks BenGIJOE. What if the swipe is a curve move? and I want the object move to the arrow direction in the picture.

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1396615/bugImage/Swipe.jpg" border="0" />

  • Hello,

    I'm trying to use swipe control the player on touchscreen.

    The "detecting touch speed" condition is very useful, but I also want the player move to the direction same as swipe direction. anybody know how to do this?

  • scirra.com/manual/98/physics

    Search "Set velocity" ;)

  • Thanks Crude. that's a good way. and there is also an option to set velocity

  • Hello C2 ppl,

    I have been using C2 for a while, at the moment I still prototyping my mobile game so I put every event in one sheet. It seems the framerate droped some after more than 100 events. I have followed the performance guideline carefully. But I wonder will it be a problem when too many events executed same time?

    If that's true, should I consider split the event sheet in the future?. e.g.:

    General Gameplay;

    Level events;

    Monster behaviors;

    and only include them if needed.

  • Hello,

    I'm using force to push my physics object move in the air. sometimes it can go very fast, since it's in the air so I can't use friction to slow it down. I wonder if there is any way to set the max speed?

  • Hi, I have a very noob question about touch controls. and I think its very common case:

    I have a "Is in touch" event that when player touch anywhere on screen it do A.

    and I also have a button on screen. when player touch that button, I want player do B.

    Now player will do both A and B if I touch the button. how do I fix this?

  • Hi guys,

    I'm just curious about this. Atm I just copy the zip to cocoon luncher on my iphone. but I don't have a mac yet so I can't test the compiled version. Have you guys tried can you tell if the performance is better than zip file in cocoon launcher?

  • I have tried different method to see if there any improvement. 1 st I have about 60 objects on a level(not on screen), the framerate is about 20 to 30 fps. but it will get better after a while. or after I restart the game several times.

    Then I also tried remove most of the enemy objects, spawn them by certain event(e.g. re-spawn enemy). then the framerate is better, about 30 to 35fps.

    So here is my conclusion: Existing object will eat performance even they are not draw on screen. If I have a big level with pre-placed enemies, how do I improve performance?

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  • Hi,

    I seems have a trouble with Z-order. I have a layout called "HUD" which is globally used in all other layouts(levels). In HUD layout, I have a PauseMenu layer which have pausemenu buttons and a tilebackground object. the background object is behind buttons. It works fine if I only load the HUD layout, then when I load a game level, the "HUD" layout is also called, but the tilebackground jump in front of the buttons. :(

    I can't figure out why..

  • I think I have the latest one on appstore. and I just checked version it is 1.2

  • Help!

    I'm building my prototype game, very simple(less than 10 sprites and backdrops) I also followed the performance guide. but the frame rate is usually under 20fps.

    I attached the project file and the cocoonJS zip file here hope you can take a look:)



  • Ahh, that works! thanks Jase00. Don't know why it seems the object have to be much bigger :/