Pode's Forum Posts

  • harrisyu rexrainbow : the solution is to use the plugin for <img>, and give it a z-index above the video.

    Edit : by the way, it's going to be slow, because the CPU/GPU pair doesn't like to composite an immutable DOM object over a changing one (the video).

  • palisade : I'm planning an update to the SVG plugin.

    There's still a problem : when rendering a SVG file to the <canvas> tag, evetyhing works fine with FF (I can do a toDataURL() after that), but Chrome has a browser-wide bug that marks the canvas as tainted when drawing a SVG file to the canvas.

    So, since I can't draw SVG vector as classic Sprite objects, I draw that as an overlayed <div>, above everything. That's why I can't respect the layout order. As soons as the webkit bug is closed, I'll change the way it works.

    I'll update the plugin with some accessor at that time.

    dezigns333 : I don't really understand what you want to do with SVG Edit. Can you provide an exemple ?

  • I created a new plugin that let user do some Procedural Texture Generation, need for example when you want to create Cloud textures or Grass texture.

    Some of the generated textures :

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1412774/ChromaninTexGenDemo/tiles.png" border="0">

    Here's the demo : https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1412774/ChromaninTexGenDemo/index.html

    The original thread is here : http://www.scirra.com/forum/topic57975_post359130.html

    It's a port of the original code of Chromanin.js : http://amsqr.github.com/chromanin.js/texgen.html

    You can check the original page of the creator of the lib, to see what kind of functions are available : http://amsqr.github.com/chromanin.js/editor.html

    And by the way, you can copy/paste any code originally made for Chromanin into that plugin, and it's going to be executed without any modification ! (while still keeping a minified code, so faster execution time, and less memory footprint <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • Edit : update v1.1! (small bugfixes, access to intermediate layers and new demo).

    With this update, you can access the various layer used to create the final effect.

    You can check the edited demo.

    HEre's a screenshot showing you how to create a cloud texture, for example :

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1412774/ChromaninTexGenDemo/clouds.png" border="0">

    The demo : https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1412774/ChromaninTexGenDemoEditor/index.html

    The plugin : https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1412774/ChromaninTexGenDemo/pode_chromanin.1.1.zip

    The .capx : https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1412774/ChromaninTexGenDemo/ChromaninTexGenDemoEditor.capx


    Here's a plugin that let you create procedural texture (think Perlin noise, eroding layers, cell machines and all that <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle">)

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1412774/ChromaninTexGenDemo/demo.png" border="0">

    All the following textures where produced by the plugin :

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1412774/ChromaninTexGenDemo/tiles.png" border="0">

    It is a port of Chromanin.js for C2 (http://amsqr.github.com/chromanin.js/texgen.html)

    I modified the code a bit to let it works under "strict" mode, and do some operations faster. If you spot a bug, don't hesitate to post it here !

    The texture are created procedurally, with bit of scripting.

    As in the linked example page, you need to specify what you want to do.

    For example, the following lines produce the tiles red carpet of the first screenshot :

    ch = new Chromanin(256,'canvas1');










    As you can see, you can copy-paste scripts straight from the original Chromanin, and they work !

    For the first line of each script, you need to keep

    ch = new Chromanin(XXX,'YYY');,

    but for XXX you can enter any size, my code will discard it, as well as the YYY name. You just need to set the size of your texture first via the "Set Texture size" function call in Construct2.

    (Working that way allow you to copy/paste scripts made by others without thinking about it too much).

    When the script has finished rendering the texture, you can grab it as a base64 image string, and Load it inside a regular Sprite.

    If you want to use some procedural texture (coulds, grass...) in your game, the best would be to generate them during the loading of the game.

    If you want to know all the possibilities, you can go to the original editor page : http://amsqr.github.com/chromanin.js/editor.html

    The demo : https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1412774/ChromaninTexGenDemo/index.html

    The plugin : https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1412774/ChromaninTexGenDemo/pode_chromanin.1.0.zip

    The .capx : https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1412774/ChromaninTexGenDemo/ChromaninTexGenDemo.capx

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1412774/ChromaninTexGenDemo/qrcode.png" border="0">

  • msv0001 : strange, I don't have that bug. Can you provide the .capx ?

    arcalaus : I see what you want to do. I need to add a function to the plugin to do that (substract or XOR).

    inkBot : since everything is calculated in JS (no WebGL shader), when the size is too big (1024� seems a bit heavy), and if your machine isn't ultra-recent, if think the calculation is going to be killed byt the browser after some time. NEver had any problem with texture of 512� and under.

    LittleStain : it's a bug in the display in the IDE, it's working when you run it, (at least it should).

  • vandinz xyboox : I defended my computer science PhD last week, so I'm slowly catching up my work <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />.

    Anyway, I'm planning to give that plugin that update in the next weeks or so, but other plugins also needs updates, so I'll try to do it soon.

  • jcberrincha : no, you need to take a screenshot (even if it's in the background).

    All the decoders are doing it like that. You can take a snapshot every 0.X seconds, and provide it to the decoder, doing it in the background if you want.

  • I just posted a new plugin in the dev section : QR Code Decoder.

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1412774/QRDecodeDemo/demo.png" border="0">

    Everything is done in javascript, client side !

    The demo is here : https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1412774/QRDecodeDemo/index.html

  • JohnnySheffield : thanks a lot ! It's nice to know that people like my plugins <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />.

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  • Some informations (thanks Yann) :

    if the detection fails, the source of the problem can be

    • improper lightning
    • QR Code image skewed too much
    • damaged or scratched QR Code
    • "blurry" webcam (if the resolution of the cam isn't high enough, or if the lens isn't set properly).
  • Here's a plugin that decodes QR codes in Javascript only !

    It's based on the work by Lazar Lazslo (the JS port of the ZXing library : https://github.com/LazarSoft/jsqrcode)

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1412774/QRDecodeDemo/demo.png" border="0">

    As you see, it's possible to recognize a QR Code captured byt the User Media plugin.

    The demo showcase the recognition of a Sprite containing a QR Code (for example generated by my other plugin : QR Code Creator), but you can also recognize a snapshot taken from the webcam.

    It works on FF and Chrome (surely on Opera and Safari desktop too, but I haven't tested it on my machine, I don't have a recent build of those on that one).

    The demo : https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1412774/QRDecodeDemo/index.html

    The plugin : https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1412774/QRDecodeDemo/pode_qrdecode.1.0.zip

    The .capx : https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1412774/QRDecodeDemo/QRDecodeDemo.capx

    <font size="2">QR Code for this page : </font>

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1412774/QRDecodeDemo/qrpage.png" border="0">

  • Xbox won't support WebGL, because it's OpenGL ES underneath, not DirectX. And MS isn't going to allow a competitor product on its platform.

    For the HTML5 support on consoles, think about it : apart from Nintendo (and they don't manage to do it all the time), the console are sold at a loss. They make the difference by selling the games at a premium.

    If they allow HTML5 games outside their 'traditional' channel of sales, that means a console sold at a loss, without game sold after it to mitigate that...

  • JohnnySix : for the perspective transform, it's better to use it as an "one shot" effect. It's long to calculate.

    For a game, with a continuously changing graphic, the CSS3 transform are more appropriate. As soon as I have more time, I'll update the plugin with the transform.

  • NotionGames : to add to Ashley answer, are the two OS using the same "bit range" (for example a 32 bit WinXP and a 64 bit Win7, or two Win7, but one being 32 bit, and the other one being 64 bits) ?

  • Yes, it's possible.

    For a client, I made a "catalog app". That app showed a grid of button, each one for a different brand of optics. When clicking on the brand, an iframe open and show the website of that brand in it. You can off course close that iframe and go to another brand, etc...