Pixel perfick's Forum Posts

  • As far as I'm aware the assets are legal to use commercially when you have a licence...(upholding your licence conditions of course)as long as you use C2 and not another program to create your game...I would assume that editing or adapting them would not be a problem based on this.

  • Check this tutorial by squiddster it may be useful!


  • The only way I can see to get what you want is a system like Flashback...where an animation has to get to a certain frame before an action can be performed by the player....looks great but there is a downside...

    animation is playing............play stop animation

    animation frame=30

    no player input

    animation is playing............play jump animation

    animation frame=ready to jump

    player presses button

    You would really have to think about level design,for timing of jumps ect as it limits the player window of control and that can be frustrating....

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  • In your picture your stop sign would be an ideal place for an invisable sprite...this could trigger a dismount animation or allow x axis movement..

  • Missle command is really well done,just some tunes n booms needed....control method is perfect,unless you dont have a mouse wheel,I guess,maybe option for both control types?....great reuse of the scirra stock artwork too...mix it up with some aliens and power ups and jobs a good un..

    "The game where you click to send a missile to kill an alien who , for some reason, is trying to get over there..."....reminds me of global defense....and I always hated that game.."space rocks" will do...lol

  • Heres a construct 2 game I have been working on for a few weeks:

    It's a randomly generated rougue (ish) romp....with kinda ooky perspective...but I think it works,just about...

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/146573792/DD%231.bmp" border="0" />

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/146573792/DD%232.bmp" border="0" />

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/146573792/DD%233.bmp" border="0" />

    Hoping to get a demo up on the arcade,soon

    Edit...If my pics have disappeared again..it's my dropbox throwing a wobbler

  • Ah I see..set your first condition as before...but add a sub event should work

    .AttackType=1 : Wait 4 secs,

    sub event

    animation idle is playing >Set anim to "Attack", SetAttackType to 0

    Trigger once :

    but DT still better way to go when you find your feet..

  • I'd say that if your "stars" are actually drawn sprites that,fitting them onto a power of two tiled background may improve performance...but if your stars are just pixels created at one side then wrapped,that creating them,destroying them offscreen and re-creating them would be better for performance...

    I certainly think with 400 objects and only average 35FPS there are probably a few more places you could make big improvements on performance...I currently have a project with average 1000 objects running at steady 60 FPS

    Just to add particles are a no no if you want performance up....

  • cant you just have the stand annimation starting with the end of the walk?...or speed the animation up a bit a remove a few frames?...then it would not be as noticable 30,seems a lot...

  • Not 100% clear on this,as I cant see in your conditions what is triggering your idle animation...but will try to help,but I think you need to rework it a little..

    Also it would be better to use delta time rather than seconds as it would run the same speed on high and low spec machines

    play about with the delta time reduction to get the timing you want

    if attacktype is greater than 0...subtract 1.0*dt from attacktype

    if attacktype=0....do idle animation...

  • Kyatric,got it rotating thanks,but no matter what I do it rotates around the centre of the viewport,and I want it to rotate around a pivot point at centre bottom of the viewport...tried scroll to.system scroll to x/y..even a pivot object off screen,,,still rotates at centre...anybody got a clue what I need to do?...thanks.

  • Hi,I can't seem to work this out...

    I am trying to rotate a layer,but I want to specify the pivot point..ie the player..I have seen games using this feature,namely squiddsters,Airscape...so know it must be possible...

    At the moment it just rotates with a pivot point at top left...help!

    Using C2 r119..Thanks in advance.

  • I hear Pyxel Edit is pretty good,and it's free...it's at pyxeledit.com

  • Good luck with Your Kickstarter Silver...must say,great pitch,deserves to do well.

  • Sorry I misunderstood,what you meant.