piranha305's Forum Posts

  • For example, how'd you do a check for: "if (player.health < 10 && player.poisoned) showOption()". Currently a flowchart has two fields where we could convey this information we want to test for with the eventsheet. The name, and the value. The name doesn't really appear to be the right place for this. The value... maybe? But it would mean we have to write a JSON string into the value, then parse the JSON, then extract the intent what we want to check for with which values, call a function and if true, stitch in some flowchart. When with the other approach, we'd just have a field that says "condition" and we throw in a function that returns true or false, and if false the node is not shown.

    I 100% agree with this...

    being able to attach a condition to the flow chart weather that is thur some type of expression or a custom node or function? that handle conditions and branching based on that, it improves the eventsheet / flowchart workflow so much.

    having all the logic in event sheet adds a bit of context switching, and if your nodes for some reason dont share a common interface you could end up with a spaghetti of event.

    if there is a vote for much needed feature in flow charts... I vote for that one!

  • would it be possible to have links back to previous nodes? also will nodes only be able to have one input?

  • Use @import url(). this works for me.

    @import url("https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Amatic+SC:400,700");
    body { font-family: 'Amatic SC', sans-serif; font-size: 2em; }

    I mean for custom imported font in the project.. without the need to host it?

    like we can do with Text Object?

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  • Is there currently a way to get custom font url? to be able to define font-face css property for custom font? or is there an alternative method to use custom woff fonts in html elements? without having to host it on website ?

    { font-family: 'CustomFont'; src: url('customFont.woff2') format('woff2'), }

    the above does not work because the font url is dynamically created with a guid




  • Currently we create css files which automatically get applied (using purpose setting) is there a way to preview these changes in the editor? currently it seems it only gets applied during runtime?


  • I think this thread has deviated a bit from its original intent. But the whole discussion of these "real trigger function signals" are still kinda relevant

  • So one of the main limitations of using functions for this is that the handler logic is only defined in one place and is defined explicitly so everytime you call a function your get the exact same behavior.

    I think the actual ask is to have a similar mechanism to trigger and some event. But then have the ability to define different logic for handling that trigger probably based on context.

    This adds an extra layer of flexibility, and also gives the user the tools to keep the event sheet better organized and grouped together.

    A simple example let's say we have a player health bar on one event sheet and the in a different layout we need same infor for different display but still relies on the same info.

    Without having to duplicate a bunch of event in layouts. You can have your player object emit signal player.health.changed and pass a value for player health

    In each layout you can have a trigger for player.health.changed and then each layout event sheet can handle this logic differently.

    It provides another tool to help the user decouple some of there systems. And this is very simple example but I think illustrates the point a bit better.

    This condition does not rely on every frame check, and has the same flexibility as custom object when picking. The signal should be able to traverse different object types. But also be handled on a per instance basis so only the picked instances execute the logic.

    And it should hopefully be in the JS api as well.

  • Also to add to some of the points made, the current "Signal" system action and "On signal" trigger are event sheet only...

    Adding them to the addon SDK or the Javascript API, greatly improves the flexibility of the system.

  • I just want to chime in and agree with Overboy, better (signals / triggers / event Listeners, pub/sub support ... ie whatever you want to call it) would be really awesome for cases like this. and not just from the Addon SDK to event sheets, from the JS Side of things to the event sheet would also be great.

    something that does not necessarily go thru the trigger (condition overhead), but instead acts like a jump statement in way to a specific section of the event sheet (by tag). and having multiple consumer points would help with develop experiences, it will let us structure and organize the event sheet in a more maintainable way.

  • Ashley

    One of my main use cases for the Addon SDK, is portability and reuse of code. everything is packaged together nicely. a lot of things that can be done with JS is much more convenient to move to addon.

    And I think that stems from JS and event not having good interoperability.

    If I had some code I wanted to reuse across projects, I need to import the js file, then create functions in the event sheet to act as like some middle layer to properly invoke my JS code from the event sheet.

    setting up triggers or event from JS code to the event sheet is also pretty tedious.

    As where with the Addon SDK I can package all these things up nicely with a little bit extra boilerplate. but then my code is portable, and it's exposed in the scripting interface. triggers are easy. and even thought that is a bit more work the experience is much more seamless, and much more reusable.

    Maybe I am thinking about the SDK incorrectly, because while it can be used to integrate Third party services, I think the main use case is adding extra functionality in the engine.

  • If you already know Javascript chances are you aren't going to use C3, and if you use C3 to learn JS then you'll probably outgrow the engines limits and move on.

    As some one who knows javascript and work professionally as a software developer (not in game) I disagree with this take. I have used all the engines and keep coming back to construct. And those advanced scripting makes me want to invest more time In The engines.

  • If construct could get to the point where it had a tool to help author behaviors and plugins...So at least you could just write 1 file, and all you had to do was fill in the actual script functions (like tick), life would be much better. Sure you need to define ACEs, but doing them accross multiple files is a pita.

    not exactly 1 file, but this framework by skymen is pretty good, you define all the aces in one file, and then can forward the implementation to the instance


    there is also a CLI here - github.com/ConstructFund/c3ide2-cli

    and also I definitely agree with the addon SDK as is very cumbersome to work with and there is a ton of boilerplate. it also feels very disconnected from the editor itself making eth develop experience suffer.

  • Currently object param in aces can have an optional allowedPluginIds property that filters the selection based on the plugin type?

    Is there an equivalent to this that filters the list on object that have attached a specific behavior?

    Like being able to pass in a behavior id and have the list only show objects that contain that specific behavior?


  • One thing that could help is highlighting the awesome examples on social. There are some really sweet examples that would catch people eye with some gifs and draw attention to the engine.