PhoenixNightly's Forum Posts

  • Make a copy of the autosave file and rename it to remove the word "autosave" so it should say WHATEVERYOURFILENAME.capx and it will open.

  • You can try comparing the player distance to the fire and choose how close they have to be to start hearing the fire. Then adjust it depending on the closeness.

  • Can you show your setup for everything? bBut both sprite and part have physics??


    If you have physics on the sprite and the balance part it should function somewhere like this ... index.html

  • Have you tested it out with the physics engine??

  • Your welcome

  • Web storage.LocalValue pulls the information from the key not set it. Set local key put information into that key.So you was just putting the same value back into itself. Mobile should be fine...but honestly I haven't tested.

  • If you put an option to play again and then tell it to load the Game layout it would restart the game loop for that layout. Basically restarting the game. Since you have it to go to a different layout for the GameOver' the 'Game' layout is unloaded. Loading it back in would restart it. Also if you don't want the global variables to carry over remember to tell it to reset them.

  • Yup you can see here:: ... index.html

    I don't just give you the .capx because I don't want to stifle your learning. It will strengthen your bug detection. Now as I said earlier if you run it in different browsers the information doesn't transfer meaning you set a 'Best Distance' in Chrome. Then that is the Best Distance in Chrome open in IE or Firefox it would be zero out for them.

  • Actually you know what you don't need the else statement. Remove it and remove the variable reset and layout reset in updating the Best Distance cause when it come out it will do it anyway.

    Cleaner version::


  • Okay I loaded up and it worked for me you might what to make sure the text box is large enough cause if not it won't display correctly.



    Also make sure you round up when you store the value. I forgot to do that.

  • Is it possible to see the rest of the code to see what is going on?? Everything looks right now. Let us see how you are tallying up the distance.

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  • Yea I was just stating in case that they were heading that route and be like me and be like...umm its not working how I intended. Best to know now then develop and find out later. So if that is what they are planning to do they already know.

  • I see it now. You are just putting the value of the webstorage back into itself its suppose to be set Local key BestDistance to global variable BestDistance.

  • Also why isn't it Italicized here??


  • One thing I notice is that it isn't comparing if the TotalDistance beat the BestDistance. It automatically set the bestDistance with the TotalDistance. So regardless if they beat it or not the TotalDistance overwrite the BestDistance.

    The only problem with the Webstorage is that it isn't consistant if you wanted it to be a webgame. The best way someone explained it to me is Webstorage is kind like cookies. So for me it didn't work as planned being that I wanted to host the game on my webspace and people can play and try to beat each other score. But it doesn't work that way. I was told to integrate