PhoenixNightly's Forum Posts

  • serge Low

    Once I finish some school reports I have to write up I will help you out.

  • Yes that would work also 270 for clockwise -90 for counter clockwise.

  • Is the properties editor of the bullet behavior do you have angle set to 'No'? Then set an event to flip the image. With angle set to yes it will rotate the sprite however many degrees the bullet is set to. So if you set the bullet motion angle to 180 it will rotate the sprite 180.

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  • Problem Description

    I left my project open had other things to do so the computer went to sleep. I notice if the computer stays asleep for too long( for me 40+min) that when I come back to the project it would not run as it did before I left it. Instead it would error saying objects didn't exist.

    What I observe is that I was gone for 40+min but the program auto-saved while the computer was asleep so it corrupted the autosave. Sooo when I load the original file it had nothing that I recently did it only had what I had done from the time I did manually save. I know this because I left about 4:00 pm and just came back now about 4:40 but when I look at the autosave it was update at 4:29 pm when the machine was asleep. Shouldn't it wait until the computer is awake to autosave again??

    **Also the size of the autosave once it save is 5.5kb and the orignal file is is 222kb. And from what I have studied the autosave is the whole project packaged up so should be bigger then the project save single file.

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7 64-bit SP1

    Construct 2 Version ID

    Release 163

  • Disable those two lines. Okay ,You can't set the motion till the instance is created. So where you have it spawn you have to then set the angle of motion right after to 270 and it should work.

    So for when creating a new instance of an object you have to set the motion after it is created (even though you declare it early on it doesn't transfer with the instance that is created afterwards). During startup is only good for when the instance already exist like a background or something.

  • Did you make the changes?? Can you post so we can see?

  • But I don't see no where in your event sheet that you set the bullet angle. Which should be done on the start of layout. You can't set it in the bullet behavior properties that Angle property only take Yes or No. Set to no if you don't want it to rotate the sprite with the angle it is going. But you have to event code the bullet angle.

    **Also why do you have it call Start of Layout Twice?? Those two events can be combined under one Start of Layout call. Also me personally always have the Start of Layout at the top. So that it is the absolute first thing done.

  • Since you can't upload you capx cause its too big can you take a snapshot of your eventsheet so we can see what is going on.

  • Did you try changing the angle of motion?? Cause by default the angle is 0. So try setting the angle to 90. Like on start of layout have it set the bullet angle of motion to 90 or -90.

  • You probably would have to use their UID that their assigned to do that.

  • You welcome. I have no clue what it is that make C2 do that but it has gotten me quite a few times.

  • If you click to rename it does it show you the full name with the autosave?? If so just remove it..Or make sure nothing is selected click on the 'Organize' button to the left and click "Folder and Search Options" On the View tab find "Hide extensions of known file types' and uncheck hit okay and you should be able to see it. Make a copy of the file right click->Rename->remove '.autosave'

  • Yes you folder isn't setup to show extensions. As you see in my post above. You would have to go to the folder options and uncheck hide extensions so that you can see its actual full name. Also you can do the same for the backup also. Make a copy and change the extension. remove the backup part.

  • Go to your folder that has the autosave and show me a snapshot. Depending on how you OS is setup it is not showing you the .autosave extension which you have to switch on for it to work.


    This is how it look when you change an autosave file


  • So it says swordThrow.capx.autosave right It is a .capx you have to remove the autosave extension and then direct C2 to the file. I know cause the same thing has happen to me numerous times. When you remove the autosave extension the icon will change to Construct 2 project folder icon.

    Depending on you windows setting it would pop up asking if you want to change the extension. Say yes.