I have an object sort of like a seesaw ( but not a seesaw) more like a capital "T"
I have a small sprite on one end pinned to the object.
How do I add a little weight to the small sprite so that if it isn't balanced just right, it will fall over?
Have you tested it out with the physics engine??
yea, but I can't seem to get it to do anything. it doesn't "tilt" over when I have the heavy sprite on one end of it.
Can you show your setup for everything? bBut both sprite and part have physics??
If you have physics on the sprite and the balance part it should function somewhere like this
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/128 ... index.html
hopr37 - cay you post your capx ?
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I don't really have a capx per se. It's just something I started to dink around with so there is only the couple of images