PeaTeaSix's Forum Posts

  • Got my first Construct 3 game out on Android! Alpaca Sprint is a clone of the old T-Rex Google Chrome runner. I needed something to cut my teeth with in Construct 3, and it seemed like the perfect game. Some things I added for my iteration of this (and specific to the Android version):

    - Local and Online Achievements

    - Local and Online Leaderboards

    - Music

    - A proper menu/interface

    I may come back to this after I get more knowledge and add some IAPs (just something light like recoloring of skins and such), but I'm super proud of it! Hope you enjoy it too.

  • Folder issue was my fault. Steam has a weird way of handling distributions for multiple platforms, so that was a learning curve thing. With that fix, the errors went away, so whoops, my bad.

  • So I know I'm really new to this, but I feel like I might have got baited a bit on the "ease" of this program's export function. Construct positions itself to being able to export to various platforms just by clicking some toggles in the export side of things, but I'm having the worst time getting users to be able to play my game on Linux. This is embarrassing for me, because for someone who is just starting out, it's not a good look when I'm advertising a game to be compatible with Linux, only for folks to run into issues. I realize that it may NOT be the game or the program's fault, but trying to understand these errors that are being reported to me will help me know if I did something wrong.

    The errors the user is receiving are the following:

    (AlpacaSprint:76844): Gtk-WARNING **: 00:46:40.955: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:6363:24: 'none' is not a valid color name

    [76844:76844:0528/] Failed to open NaCl IRT file "/home/[USER]/ext/steam/steamapps/common/AlpacaSprint/linux64/nacl_irt_x86_64.nexe": -4

    [76844:76874:0528/] Vulkan not supported with in process gpu

    [76880:76889:0528/] No net_fetcher for performing AIA chasing.

    [76880:76884:0528/] No net_fetcher for performing AIA chasing.

    [76880:76884:0528/] No net_fetcher for performing AIA chasing.

    [76880:76884:0528/] No net_fetcher for performing AIA chasing.

    [76880:76884:0528/] No net_fetcher for performing AIA chasing.

    [76880:76884:0528/] No net_fetcher for performing AIA chasing.

    [76880:76884:0528/] No net_fetcher for performing AIA chasing.

    Does anyone know what these are and what they mean? A quick search of the forums yielded no results on any of these issues.


  • I'm really struggling with the Greenworks plugin, and I'm not quite sure what to make of it. I've got some achievements in place for Steam, and during one iteration, I was able to get them to work, but now, none of them are firing off for some reason. They work fine in Google, they work fine inherently in the app, and the code logic is the same for all three, so I'm thinking it has something to do with where I'm putting the steamapp_txt file and the Steamworks SDK dll files. I double checked the names of the achievements in Steamworks vs my code and that seems fine too. Any thoughts or input would be tremendously helpful.

    More details. You can see under the top level folder, next to the .exe is where I put the .txt file. I made sure it was saved in ANSI so there wasn't any extra characters.

    And here was where I placed the Steamworks SDK files. Everything was done in Winrar, so I was able to rename package.nw, add the files, then rename it back.

  • In the meantime, I have now exported the project files, open them up in Android Studio, and export them there. It works flawlessly once you have the right builds set up. I think from doing that, I understand what I'm missing here -- it seems to be related to when I set up the Key for the individual product. It's looking for that established key, not a new one I can type on the fly, and I'm betting that's what is causing the issue in Construct 3.

    Either way, I might test it on the next build, but for now, having Android Studio has worked in the interim.

  • More digging has found that looking at the Dev Console may provide me with a better look at the error, and it did! I'm getting the following:

    "Error: Please specify the keystore."

    Which is odd because I am specifying the keystore? I don't know, this part is all foreign to me.

  • I've decided to forgo this for now in favor of releasing the game as is. What this means is that it's a bit more simplistic than I'd like, but, at least it's done and complete. Maybe I'll come back to it later when I have a bit more experience with the software, but for now, I'm going to hang up the hat on this and be done. I will still take suggestions from the community if you all have any.

  • Exporting as a WebView2 (or any of the export functions) doesn't allow anyone to edit it easily. What they are looking for is the .c3p file, which allows them to open it in construct, view the code, and make revisions/suggestions for you. You'll find that whereever the project is being saved.

  • I've been following the instructions in the tutorials and what I can find on the internet, but try as I might, every time I go to export this app bundle (or really any of the signed options), the process fails. It tells me to check the log to see what needs fixed, and the only thing in the log is "Error" which is suuuuper helpful.

    My process is the following:

    - I go to file, export, Android (Cordova).

    - I click OK when it tells me about the issue with project version.

    - Minimum Version is set to 5.1+ (Lollipop). It's not an incredibly intensive game by any stretch, so it should run on anything.

    - Android build I have tried legit every one of the signed builds. Unsigned all work fine, but I can't upload into Google unsigned. I need a Signed Android App Bundle, specifically, so I choose that.

    - URL Whitelist I don't edit.

    - Android version remains on 1000000 or however many zeroes are on the end of that.

    - I have the hide status bar, require vibrate permission, and require external storage write permissions selected.

    - I upload my keystore.jks file that was generated for me from Construct 3.

    - Key Alias is set

    - Keystore Password was the one I assigned to the keystore attached.

    - I've tried with and without the optional Key Password.

    I click Next, and it does the internal Construct stuff, and sends the build off. Every time, the error returns is the following:

    Any help that you can provide would be greatly appreciated.


  • Took me about three months to finish this, even though I thought it would take much less time. Goal was to learn Construct 3 by recreating the T-Rex Google Chrome game, with a little of my own flair. Overall pretty happy with the results, though there's still a lot more to learn. Hope you enjoy!

  • I've been playing around with this for a hot minute but I can't seem to get this one right. I am making an infinite runner game and I'm almost complete. I'm just trying to get these trees to spawn in a meaningful way, where it's simplistic in the beginning, and progressively gets harder. I think the simple ones are working out well, but once you get to the first loop, the game launches all the things at you the first moment it can.

    I've played around with the timing of these windows and sometimes it does come out okay, where the trees are spaced apart well and it feels good, but other times they are either too clumped together that they are right on top of one another, or they're so far apart that the player cannot jump over them. I thought about adjusting the jump height/float but I don't want it to be Super Princess Peach runner. Any ideas how I can take the code that Rojo has provided here and make it feel better as a player?

    Since meaningful is a subjective term, I will tell you I am looking to have the trees spawn as close as right next to each other, but never far enough apart that a jump won't clear it. I'm using platform controls with the standard jump height if that helps at all.

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  • Just want to close the loop here (no pun intended) and share some code, in case someone else was looking to do the same thing. I ended up using HTML to draw the table, CSS to format it, and a loop to generate the scores.

    The HTML element within the layout.

    The code blocks.

    The array.

    The CSS (I'm awful with CSS so there's probably a million ways to do this better)

    The output in game.

  • Ah okay. That makes sense and I kind of thought it was something like that. So I guess the only way to avoid that is to make a "pop up window" that is built into the game itself?

  • It needs to be there. Even if it did have the wrap property, destroying it off layer will prevent it from wrapping. If off layout doesn't work for you, try is not visible and see how that does. There's a few options for destroying it. If all else fails, wrap your layout in sprites that exist outside of the viewable layout, and have it destroy when it collides with them.

  • I have a pretty simple argument that I'm trying to implement, but for some reason, the way I have it now requires the player to click an additional time before the game is responsive again.

    So an example, player single clicks on the reset button. The browser pops the window explaining that clicking reset again will erase all local storage. If a player clicks on any other button (or really anywhere inside of the game), the game does not register that input. If the player then clicks a second time (let's say on the reset button again) then the action will take place. Is this a functionality of using a browser pop up to display something to the player, or is something running a second time in the background that I am unaware of?