PeaTeaSix's Forum Posts

  • Hello! As the topic says, I'm just getting started learning Construct 3 and I'm loving it so far. I'm not a programmer (though I've had exposure to programming in the past) but just trying to live out the dream.

    I was hoping to find some answers on a few subjects that are stumping me at the moment. I decided to start my endeavors with an infinite runner as it seemed like the code was simple enough to execute, yet could be complex enough to teach me new concepts bit by bit as I enhanced on the initial project. So far, seems to be working that way.

    The issues I'm stuck on are the following:

    1) My runner character is running across an invisible rectangle that it rests on. For some reason, my character shakes a bit as it moves through the animation. All of the frames in the animation are a perfect square (64x64), and the shape it runs on is solid and flat, so I'm not sure what's causing it.

    2) My controller inputs seem to be lagging a bit or completely unresponsive, but I can't tell what's causing it. It might be due to number 1 above, because my character doesn't think it is on the ground and therefore doesn't have the ability to jump, but it's definitely not the intended result.

    3) I cannot, for the life of me, figure out local storage. I have code right now that after the player dies, the score is copied and moved to a High Score text area. I then wrote in to save that (tried both Local Storage and Dictionary) but both options don't seem to work when the layout is reset (I make a call for both at the start of the layout but it just erases it). Anyone who can shed some light here, even if it's just a direction to head, it would be greatly appreciated.

    I'm linking a video of the gameplay here so you can see the issues. Of course, in the video my jumping worked fine which makes me think that it had something to do with the fact that the window was overtop another window. Oh well.!AiVeBY7VF_G_hqYc07bUFxvQj2ZP5w

    Thank you!

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  • Hi, I just wanted to pop by and give a quick introduction about me. I'm a business major who has decided that I've been out of my element for some time, and want to try to get into developing games. I always wanted to do it, but I had parents that told me "there was no future in games." Thanks, y'all.

    I have no idea where to start. I'm brand new to this whole thing, so I'm just finding a host of programs that I can get into (free, paid, whatever), and tutorials to go along with it to start creating. I don't know if my ideas are any good, but I hope to at least see one creation come to life.

    Thanks for reading this, if you did. I'm sure I'll be in and out of here soon.