pcfernandesjr's Forum Posts

  • I never thought about this before, but I think all characters in the sprite font image need to be the same width. Spacing data is not used to determine character position in the image. It is only used to remove extra empty space from the right if the character is smaller than the default width.

    So think of the sprite font image as a tilemap - each character needs to be inside its own tile.

    I highly recommend using Spritefont Generator tool - it will format the image and generate the spacing data for you.

    I just placed the characters manually into a 15x15 grid, and yeah. It is just as you said. Now is works perfectly fine.

    Thanks for the help. I'll have a look at the tool you suggested earlier. I'd still like to play around with font designing and something that makes this part faster would be pretty handy.

  • Can you share your project file? Or a blank project with this sprite font added and configured?

    Also, what exactly is the problem - is the spacing data not working for all characters? or some characters?

    Sure! Also, edited the previous post with an image of the result.

    you can download the .c3p file here: drive.google.com/file/d/1UqeAyb4ihZ0R1wGJE7QrPe9lHs_HuPFK/view

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  • Have you tried these tools? They should generate the correct spacing data:



    Thanks for the suggestions. I will check it out as a last resort.

    I tried to configure the character widths using events as well, but they're not working as well.

    Does the .png file dimensions somehow break the functionality?

    For the sake of clarification, Here is what I am trying to configure, without success:

    Font .png image:

    Character Set:


    Character Width adjustment event


  • Hi guys, I need some help understanding what I'm missing while configuring the character spacing for sprite fonts.

    - This is the array I configured for Spacing Data:

    [[14, "ÆŒ"], [13, "æœ"], [12, "@"], [11, "€©®"], [10,"MWmw#$¢Ð"], [9, "ABCDGHKNOPQRSTUVXYZ0123456789&£ÀÁÂÃÄÅÇÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝÞþß"], [8, "Eabcdeghknopqrsuvxyz~ÈÉÊËàáâãäåçèéêëðñòóôõöøùúûüýÿ"], [7, "FIJL%ÌÍÎÏ"], [6, "jt?-_\"()[]{}=*¿"], [5, "^°+<>"], [4, ",;/\\"], [3, "il.:!'¡|`ìíîï"]]

    I added an extra blackslash for both " and \. But even that didn't solve the problem.

    - Do I need to define a specific Character width/height beforehand? Or Spacing Data is supposed to override these settings?

    Thanks in Advance.


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  • You can right-click the object name and choose "Select all in the project".

    If you have an instance on a "storage" layout, you can quickly change its properties this way. But of course, if you have multiple instances on different layouts, you need to be careful, as changes will be applied to all of them.

    Thanks for helping me!

  • One big difference I noticed from C2 to C3, is that I can't setup an object's behavior properties without having said object on the layout I am currently working at.

    The 'trick' I used on C2 was having a dedicated layout to place an instance of everything, with that I could edit their properties from the project bar on any other layout.

    But now it is not possible anymore

    So, how do you guys recommend to work? Do I need to place an instance of every object I'll use on my layouts, even though they are not supposed to be there from the beggining?

    Thanks in advance


  • I could post the complete code of how you got it because I find myself in the same place

    Hi, sorry for taking so long to answer.

    Here is how I did it (It is basically based on the link shared earlier here):

  • Thanks guys! It is working wonderfully now.

  • Take a look at this post:


    Thanks, I will! :)

  • Hi there fellow Construct2 users!

    I am working on a 2D side scrolling game, and I am trying to create an enemy that behaves like a bomb/grenade thrower.

    What I want it to do is to throw bombs at the player in a arc, considering the distance between it's position and the player's.

    What I managed to to is to make it fire projectiles in a arc, but it is not considering its distance from the Player. And I have no clue on how to do it.

    This is what my code looks like currently:

    This is how it looks like at the moment:

    I'd be really grateful is someone is able to help me on this.

    Thanks in advance!

  • Hi there fellow Construct2 users!

    I'd like to report a bug, from release 265 (64-bit).

    For the second time, I was at the verge of losing my project due to an error that makes some assets disappear. Namely some png's

    Here is the screenshot of the error:

    Can someone help me with this? If there are more info needed I will provide as soon as possible.

    Thanks in advance!

  • Got around to having another go at this finally. I've only tested on my laptop but it should work with all resolutions. I also added a variable to control screen curvature.

    You can apply this to layouts, layers or sprite objects if you want to. Just be sure to set width and height to whatever size your object is. For instance, if you're applying it to a layout you should set width and height to the game resolution. If you put it on a sprite then set it to the sprite's size.

    It works best with pixel rounding turned on and fullscreen scaling on high quality.


    Hi there! Any chances to have this re-uploaded?


    • Post link icon

    Hi there guys

    Somehow I found this builder application for C2. I searched at the forums here about more information, but couldn't find anything.

    Have you guys heard about this? I wonder if it is reliable.

    (links removed)


  • ludei hey I'm using cocoon.io and I'm having issues with compiling iOS. Android compiles fine but iOS never compiles. Here's what I did.

    Exported C2 project with Cordova, I compressed the files into zip folder excluding the config.xml, I used guided creation to help me, chose to drop a zip file, chose canvas+, I installed the in app browser plugin, put the same Bundle ID as in the ios app, uploaded an icon, and tried to compile but fails with iOS.

    I didn't touch the signing keys and I don't know what Content URL is for so I didn't touch that either (is this the problem?).

    I even followed this tutorial but no luck.

    http://www.joshmorony.com/how-to-build- ... -cocoonjs/

    What am I doing wrong? Please help. Thanks.

    I am struggling with the same problem