Hi there,
So I have this logic thing i'm trying to work out and for the life of me it's just not behaving as i think it should..
so i have a simple mouse over rule. i'm using a custom icon. when the mouse hovers over various objects it goes from a custom pointer to a custom hand.. this works great.. so it's something like this:
mouse over button 1 - play hand animation
mouse over button 2 - play hand animation
mouse over button 3 - play hand animation
play play normal animation.
<img src="https://www.dropbox.com/s/o9fyubnx39vhv1y/capture1.PNG" border="0" />
now the trouble i am having is that i want one of those to not always be a mouse-over condition.. so i setup a simple global variable that when a particular condition is met, to ignore that one.. so i set it up like this:
but what ends up happening depending on where i put things.. either it ignores the other mouse overs, or it ignores the one that has the special variable.. it seems like i should just be able to nest a variable grouped with an item and have it just be another thing in the or condition somehow?
here is another attempt..
<img src="https://www.dropbox.com/s/7tynrn3dt0a85t2/capture2.PNG" border="0" />