Paradox's Forum Posts

  • Glad to see you got it. I've used that solution before, it's the best for toggles that cycle through more than two choices.

    Aphrodite Barely a Ninja, I explained why it didn't work, you explained how to fix it.

    Ah, just realized why the Else was ghosted, you can't put an Else on a Trigger. But then it looks like you had figured that out too, because you had changed it to be "Is Touching" which is not a trigger. You were getting double touches because of that change. The one that worked has the trigger again, and can only be hit once per touch.

  • You set the value to 1, and the next line you check to see if it's 1. Of course it's 1.

    Make that an Else statement.

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  • If you ever need a hole in that platform, it could be another obstacle drawing the hole, and when the player collides with it, disable the solid behavior. After the player loses contact with the hole object, turn it back on.

  • Here's a link to my Tutorial on Sprite fonts. I never use regular text for anything other than debugging anymore.

  • You can also make a layout for objects only, it never shows in the game, but it can hold all your sprites. The objects don't have to appear on all the layouts, just one of them.

  • That is a thought, however all the games I've made I've never worked with the Platform behavior.

    I know the physics behavior can be sensitive to things like that.

    Any Platformer people reading this, can teleporting the platform under the player cause player shifting or teleporting?

    You could test it, put an invisible solid floor that doesn't move and take the solid off the moving one, and see if that changes it.

  • Are you using parallax to scroll the background around? It sounds like the player's layer also has some parallax on so his layer moves too. Make sure the player layer has 0,0 parallax.

    If not we may need some more clues.

    Can you strip it down to just the scroller and player sprite and upload it? (you can replace the sprites with sketches if you want. (stripping them down will sometimes reveal the bug as well.)

  • I don't even remember making that complicated string.

    Here is something using that to grab the name from the Instance variable, and then use that same number to set the frame number of a spawned sprite.

    edit: to those wondering what it is without downloading, it's still one event, just more actions and a global variable to hold the random choice for more uses. It still uses the instance for the list of loots, which match up to the frames of the loot sprite.

    I suppose I could have made each Loot an animation and named each animation to match the name, and called them by name, but I didn't think of that until writing this.

  • I've seen games that do that, the Browser pops up a window asking if the game can have permission to lock the cursor. I don't know that Construct2 can trigger that though. My "Orbital bomb bounder" could sure use it.

  • Yes, that error says you didn't rename it. Take the ".Autosave" off that file name and it will load.

  • Change the name from .autosave to .capx, does that work? (it worked in the past for me.)

    Loading an autosave without renaming give an error saying This file is Empty.

  • Maybe use line of site, have them move toward the player, until the line of site is within range?

  • There's one built into Construct2 now, start a new project, and put "Flap" in the template search window.

    it's 26 Events, and has a tutorial as well.

  • It doesn't have to be a variable, it could be when you press the space, your character changes in some way for three seconds, and you just check to see if the change is still there. It all depends on what else your doing.

  • You set a variable when it gets pressed, and then in the following action, set a "wait" for 3 seconds before resetting the variable.

    When the spacebar is pressed, if that variable is not set the event runs, if it is, nothing happens.